Drag Me to the Grave (4/4)

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Chapter 19: Resurrection

Jeff's POV

Kay looked mortified! I can understand why. If it is Jacky's kid, it'll be a halfbreed; half royal, half Shadow. A birth of a child like that would tear the community apart! She quickly pulled out her phone, holding it up in the efforts to find reception.

"C'mon, c'mon!" Kay grunted as she wasn't getting anything.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"I have to tell Jacky! Because, trust me, it is his kid. I had sex with Ashley once in our relationship. I've had sex with Jacky at least once a day for two months straight." She replied. "I can't take it anymore, we have to find them."

A knock at the door stopped my reply. I got up, opening the door to Vanisher standing there.

Kay quickly breathed a sigh of relief, grabbing his arm. "You've got to take me to see Jacky." She said.

"Kay-" He gently spoke.

"Now." She insisted.

Vanisher sighed. "Give me a little while to find him."
Ronnie's POV

After all was sorted out, we were finally ready to bring back our family. Ghost told us he would do the revival first because the clock was running down on Max, whereas we had no time limit on bringing back Jacky. Though, the sooner the better would've been beneficiary. I text Andy to let him know they could bring the body back down. None of this felt real!

As we waited, Chris walked up to me with Ricky and two other men behind him. "It'll take Ghost some time to recharge after he does this. We do need him to help the Shadow. It takes all five of us. However, for the time being, I'm going to have him brought down to the dungeon for safe keeping." He informed me.

"Okay, thank you." I replied.

He nodded and stepped aside, along with the others. I realized it was because the guys were coming down the steps. Derek and Ryan both came and stood next to me. Andy, CC, Jake, and Jinxx slowly walked down the steps carrying Max in a makeshift cot of sorts. It was a black sheet spread between two poles, enough for them to be able to carry him. CC and Andy held up the front, while Jinxx and Jake took the back end.

A wind blew in rose petals from one of the many hallways that's twists through this cavernous cellar. The petals landed in two straight lines, outlining a path. Andy raised his eyebrow at me, as if to say "that was fucking creepy, what the fuck." He lowered his head and continued walking. As they headed towards the end of the path we couldn't see, Chris gestured for us to follow.

We walked into a round room where the floor was cluttered with rose petals and tea candles. A stone pedestal, the size to fit a body, rested in the center of the room. It had beautiful engravings along the side of roses and thorns. Stone pillars were along the walls, twelve or so evenly spaced. Ghost stood at the foot of the pedestal, decorated in theatrics.

The guys rested Max's body on the pedestal. They, along with Chris and the others, fell back to the spaces in between the pillars. Derek, Ryan, and I took a hint and did the same.

Ghost rested one hand on Max's chest, and the other on his forehead. "My friend," He gasped, whispering, "Your soul is in pain."

My heart hurt to hear him say that. I know Max has lead a shitty and hard life, but he still has some fight left in him! It was hard to stay still as I watched. Ghost motioned for Ricky to come forward. He whispered in his ear, and Ricky nodded. Then he screamed as Ghost bit his neck. The color from his face started to drain and Chris had to come pull Ricky away from him.

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