Drag Me to the Grave (3/4)

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Chapter 13: Blood is Thicker Than Water


After that incident with Max, Ronnie yelled at him and Jacky. What he said must've really sunk in, because even though Kay hadn't returned quite yet, Ashley only felt those bouts of pain every week or so. That's a much better improvement than everyday, sometimes twice a day. Whatever it was that Jeff and Bruno told him that night, it really helped him move on too.

Tour ended last week, making this a month and a half Ashley's been without her. Towards the end of tour, when he realized he'd lost her, he asked me to live with him for a while. He was afraid to be alone, even more terrified to ask for my help. That's the thing about Ashley... He fears nothing except asking for help. Thank God he did, because I think being alone would've drove him insane.

It was night, probably one in the morning I'd say. I was laying awake, listening to the rain pour outside. It was peaceful, quiet. That was until I suddenly heard Ashley scream down the hall! I bolted up and ran to check on him. In my mind, I was expecting someone to be attacking him or something. No, he was on the floor, doubled over in pain. His hand was clenching his stomach, and his eyes were watering to the point tears were streaming down his face. Ashley fell over as I approached him. He let his back rest against the side of the bed and his legs lay out on the hardwood floors.

"Ash-" I began, losing my words.

"Call Ronnie and the guys, Jenna, fuck call Jacky if... If you have to. Get someone to pick up the phone a-and find Kay... She's in trouble." He breathed out weakly. "Now."


Max's POV

Fucking Shadows, reminding me once again why we left that dreaded organization. We were all up late at the studio when they attacked us, trying their damnedest to get to Kay. We didn't let that fucking happen of course. Ronnie, Ryan, and Derek were all still busy running off the stragglers while I went to help Jacky with Kay. We thought we had protected her. I found Jacky on the couch in the back room with her resting in his arms. Her off-white blouse was bloodstained, and her eyes glossed over.

"She was stabbed... Th-there's nothing I can do... Not until she heals. Sh-she will, but..." Jacky stopped mid-sentence, unable to continue. He nested his head into her neck as he fought tears. Kay weakly grabbed onto the collar of his shirt, breathing slowly and heavily.

"Just be thankful she'll be alright." I sighed, hearing my phone ring. Who the Hell is it at this hour? CC? What the fuck? "Hello?" I answered.

"Max! Thank God someone picked up! Kay's in trouble and-"

"We know." I interrupted. "But she's safe now, healing."

"Good, thank you, but Ash said, he wants her back home. Well... He demanded." CC replied.

I looked at Kay as she rested in Jacky's arms, so fragile and broken. "I'm sorry, I can't do that. I know he misses her, but..." I paused, sighing. "CC, Shadows attacked us tonight trying to take her. We barely held them off, and we're more powerful than you guys. If we brought her back to you, you'd all end up dead."

"Yeah, okay. You're right. I'll try to talk to Ashley. Try." He stressed. "Keep me updated on Kay. Although Ashley is a living update because he feels her pain."

"I will. Stay safe, take care." I said upon hanging up. "That was CC. Ash was worried."

"That bastard doesn't have the right to worry about her anymore." Jacky muttered under his breath. He leaned down further and softly kissed her. "I'm sorry, Love. This is my fault I couldn't protect you."

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