Chapter 12

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*Matt's POV* (I'm trying to have more than just Madi's and Jace's POVs)

When Madi told me Nick tried to have Sex with her but she didn't what to then he hit her I wanted to go to his house and beat him till he didn't have a pulse then I saw Madi's eyes so I stood her up and hugged her.

Her arms are wrapped tightly around my neck and I can hear her sobbing into my shoulder.

I sit down on her bed with her in my lap. I rock her back and forth while Abby rubs her back.

About 15 min later she fell asleep. I lay her down on the bed and look over at Abby

"Don't do anything that you will regret" she says to me I nod and go back to my room.

*Abby's POV*

I look at Madi sleeping. I can't believe he hit her what kind of guy does that. I really hope she breaks up with him soon.

*Jace's POV*

Today Isabela comes home and I'm planning to break up with her. I'm honestly nervous she was my first real girlfriend.

Im meeting her at the beach. I pull into the parking lot and I see her on the swings. I walk up to her and sit in the swing next to her

"Hey" I say

"Hey" she gets up and hugs me

I take a deep breath and look at her

"Ok look we need to talk"


"I'm uh breaking up with you"

"Because you like Madi"

"Umm ya, how do you know"

"I see they way you look at her it's the way you used to look at me"

"Oh ok now I seriously mean this we can still be friends"

"Of course"

I smile and we just talk till we both have to leave. I'm glad it wasn't has hard as I thought.

*Madi's POV*

When I wake up Abby is in my bed on her phone

"Good morning sleepy beauty"

"Where's Matt"

"He went to his room don't worry I told him not to do anything he will regret"

I nod

We sit in silence for a couple min then I speak up

"I think I need to talk with Nick"

"Like right now"


"If that's what you need to do then I will take you there"

We get our shoes on and go to her car. My parents are still at work so we only need to tell Matt who is playing with Lily but we tell him we are going to Starbucks so he doesn't freak out. We pull up to his house.

"Do you want me to go with you"

"No I need to do this by myself"

I walk up and ring the doorbell and his mom answers

"Hello Madi Nick is in his room go on up"

"thank you"

I walk to his room and open the door not even thinking to knock and I do not like what I see.

What did Madi see and Jace and Isabela broke up (not in real life at least I don't think) see ya next week

Lizzy xx

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