Chapter four: Digging up the third piece

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How Kya looks like with Tsunami's dress >>>>

Some of the jutsus Kya does is made up and yes, her chakra is a water, earth, lightning (you'll see it soon) element.

The song that I made has the same rhythm as Natsuhiboshi >>>>

     A girl stood at the center of a village covered in flames, she had her hands on her hips as she observed her creation. It was pure chaos; many corpses with familiar faces were either scattered on the streets or are lying down beside her feet. All the buildings that were once standing tall and proud was all run down while the humble homes of the people in that village were turned into ashes. 

     The noisy alarm of the turned over cars, the cries of innocent children and the fast footsteps of the running people of all ages filled her ears, 'causing her to smile triumphantly. She let out a loud evil laugh and it echoed around the once beautiful village. It all happened so fast, who knew that a 13 year old girl could do something like that? Who is the girl, you ask? 

     It's Kya.

     Kya woke up with a gasp as she shot up straight in bed, she was covered in sweat, she was breathing heavily and her mind was reeling. The nightmare had seemed so vivid, so real, that for a moment she really thought that it actually happened. Fear invaded her for a moment as she started to wonder if what she saw wasn't just a nightmare, but it was more of a vision.

     She looked down at her body and saw that her body was enveloped in blankets and sheets. She quickly tore it off and noticed that her clothes were changed and bandages were wrapped around her right leg. She wore an orange t-shirt that had the stylized kanji for the word "boar" (猪, inoshishi) inside a light green circle on the upper-left side of the chest and brown shorts. "What happened to me?" She asked herself.

     And that's when everything flooded back into her mind in a rush: The forest, cat, Reiko, 2 pieces, Kya running away, dragon, the sound village ninja and Naruto saving her. She quickly looked down at her neck to see that her necklace is missing. Panic filled her veins as she searched around for it by looking around the unfamiliar room. She tried searching for it in her backpack where her clothes and things are but she still couldn't find it. 

     "Where is it?" She asked to no one in particular. She felt like she was going mad; it seemed like she didn't care that her clothes were changed and she was in an unknown room alone, she was so busy trying to find the pieces that she didn't bother to fret about it. "Where is it?" She repeated as she searched the whole room once again, not leaving a single inch. 

     Suddenly, she heard faint footsteps coming closer and closer to the door. Kya quickly grabbed a kunai, preparing herself for the worse. The door finally opened, revealing a young woman with black hair. She was wearing simple clothes with a dirty apron over it. Kya quickly hid behind her back the kunai and eyed the woman suspiciously. "Thank goodness you're awake; you had your friends quite worried about you. It was a good thing that your wounds were not life threatening." The woman said in a sweet and sincere voice.

     Kya took a cautious step backward. "Where am I? How long have I been asleep? Where are they? Who changed my clothes? And most importantly, who are you?" Kya asked, holding the kunai's handle tightly behind her back.

     "I'm Tsunami, the daughter of an old client of your friends, you are in our humble home at the village hidden in the waves, Sakura changed you and as well healed your wounds, you were asleep for 2 and half days and you're friends are eating breakfast." She answered politely.

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