Chapter six: Burning up with a fever

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That's how Kya's chakra looks like >>>

     Kya and squad 7 were on their way to the sound village. Everybody was either admiring their surroundings, talking to each other or lost in their thoughts while Kya on the other hand, didn't feel so good. Kya felt like she was on a roller coaster, her surroundings seemed to shift up and down. Her breath was harsh and uneven as if she couldn't breathe properly and her blue eyes that used to have so much life in it were now stared listlessly, dull, exhausted and lifeless. She hasn't slept for days; she was so busy training in the middle of the night that she actually forgot to rest. Kya was dragging her feet as she tried to catch up with them. Kakashi, who was standing behind them, watched Kya curiously. He could immediately tell that she wasn't alright.

     "Hey, guys, are we—" Her voice halted and her face lost all expression; she seemed to be seeing something far away as the colour drained from her face. Kakashi quickly caught her as she crumpled forward. 

     "What happened to her?" Naruto asked concerned as Sasuke, Sakura and he quickly went to her side. Sakura placed her hands on her and tried to heal her. Sakura was easily able to heal 50% of her sickness but Kya was still not in shape to do anything. 

    Sakura let out a sigh. "She's exhausted and she has a very high fever. We should really rest somewhere, Kakashi-sensei. She looks like she really needs it." Sakura explained sadly. Kakashi nodded and carried her bridal style. 

     "There's a hot spring up ahead. Let's rest there for a day." He announced. Everybody nodded, understanding before they went onward to the hot spring that Kakashi was talking about. 

     Kya opened her eyes slowly, her sight was blurred at first but then it adjusted to its surroundings. Her eyelids felt so heavy. Every mucle in her body also felt heavy and tired. Her mouth was completely dry and her heart was beating slowly. She wasn't just weak, she was extremely weak. She felt like every bit of her energy was drained from her. She sat up slowly, feeling dizzy. "Where am I?" She thought as her eyes roamed around the room, she looks like she's in a hotel. She quickly touched her chest and let out a sigh of relief. She was still wearing the necklace. 

     She swung her feet out of the bed and into her boots then stood up. A strong wave of dizziness washed over her, she stumbled backwards and sat back down on her bed. She held her face with both hands, covering her eyes. She felt the urge to vomit from the vomit, but it soon passed since her stomach was empty. Kya blew the bangs out of her face. "I can do this." She muttered as she slowly walked toward the door. She knew that she couldn't stay in bed the whole day, they need to continue their mission. 

     To her surprise, when she opened the door she saw Sasuke standing in front of her. His hand was raised as if he was ready to knock. Sasuke was wearing a robe and his hair was wet from the hot spring. "Hey." He greeted as he brought his hand down, letting it fall to his side. He was ordered by Kakashi to check on her. 

     "Where are they? We need to continue our mission." 

     "We can't because you're really sick." Sasuke replied.

    "But I'm not sick anymore! I'm perfectly fine! I used to get sick all the time so this is nothing!" She protested.

   "Have you checked the mirror lately? A zombie could be called pretty compared to you. You can't even stand straight. Sakura has already healed you many times but your fever keeps on coming back and even getting higher." He argued.

     "Well, that's before. I'm fine now." She said stubbornly.

    "Oh really? Fine, attack me. Let's see if you can even lay a hit on me. I won't even use any jutsus." Sasuke said as he folded his arms across his chest.

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