You're my heaven, you're my hell

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It was a cold October night, Frank was on his way back home. He had went for a walk after a fight he had with Gerard. Bandit and Miles were asleep when they started fighting. Frank had just yesterday gotten home from tour that had been six months long. Gerard was mad that the whole six months he was at home taking care of the kids and not having time for his own work. So when Frank announced that there'd be a next tour soon, Gerard got mad:

"Do I ever get to do what I love? Huh? You get to tour and express yourself through music and make this world a better place but I don't get to do that, nor do I have time for my art either when I have to be changing diapers all the time!"

"Sorry baby, I didn't know that you have just released two albums and your worldwide fan base is in deep need of some concerts."

"Does your husband and kids not go ahead of them? And worldwide? Sorry hun, you're only touring in states and UK.." Gerard said mockingly and laughed a bit.

"Yeah, but there are fans all around the world."

"Uh huh? Well it's a bit difficult for me to release an album right now when I have to raise my kids."

"Oh they're not even our kids anymore, just yours huh?"

"Well judging by that you're at home only two weeks per year, yes."

"Fuck you, this next tour will only last three months.."

"And after that?"

"I don't know yet.."

"Frank, I know that you love music and you love performing, but you should love me and your kids too.." Gerard said, tearing up a bit and looking down.

"I do love you, do you have any idea how much money I bring home from my work? I'm the one who pays almost everything. How much do you make with your fucking paintings?"

"Fuck you! If I'd have a chance, I'd probably make way more money than you, fuck you!" Gerard said, his face was red and he was crying, he slapped Frank's face, and Frank punched him, he fell to the floor and held the corner of his eye. Frank's eyes widened when he realized what he had done. He took his coat and turned to Gerard.

"I-I'm sorry, I have to go.." Frank started crying too, he ran out the door and cried. Gerard was right, he was never home and Gerard deserves to do art too. Why did he hit him, how could he, he had always promised Gerard that he could never hurt him. Frank started walking, not sure where and not sure if he was going back, he doesn't deserve Gerard nor the amazing kids they have together, he thought. Hell, he thought he didn't even deserve to be alive now.

Gerard sat there, crying and wondering what happened to his Frankie. His Frankie who loved him and they would never fight and he could never hurt him. Bandit walked into the room.

"Dada? Why are you crying?" Bandit asked tiredly and sat on Gerard's lap.

"It's nothing, baby, adult stuff."

"I heard the door slam..Where's daddy?"

"He um, went out, to buy, diapers.." Gerard said and kissed Bandits forehead.

"Go back to sleep, I'll wait for daddy and then we'll go to sleep too."

Bandit nodded and said goodnight and kissed Gerard's cheek and left. Gerard got up and went into kitchen and took a glass of whiskey and found his cigarette pack. He had quit smoking for quite a while but picked it up again when Frank was on tour. He went to sit on the porch and smoke. He decided that he'd sit there until Frank got home, no matter how could it would get.

Frank walked out from a tiny street shop and lit a cigarette. Then he held onto the bag he got from there and started walking back home. He breathed shakily and smoked in chain.

When he got home he was surprised to see Gerard sitting on the porch and smoking, an empty glass next to him. Gerard heard his steps and looked up.


"I'm here baby, I'm so sorry for what I did, I know you're right and I have no idea what got into me. I know nothing will ever be enough to fix what I did and you don't have to forgive me, but here's your favorite chocolate and roses. From now on, I'll treat you like the queen you are and I'll cancel that tour, you can make art or anything you like and I'll spend time with my kids." Frank said and Gerard got up and hugged him, crying against his shoulder.

"It's okay, baby, I love you so much, thank you."

"I love you too but why are you thanking me? I hurt you.."

"Yeah, but that's nothing knowing that you'll be home for Christmas." Gerard said and kissed Frank.

Yeah, here's something, sorry that there's no smut, I intended to write smut there but I thought that it might not fit there. But ye, hope you like this.

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