Merry Christmas Mr Way (Frerard)

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It was that time of year where Gerard had to care about something else than his work and himself. It was Christmas, and he had to understand love again. Gerard really didn't want to though, he had a big company, which was making good money for him, he could just send some amazing presents for his family, but after doing that for five years straight his brother had demanded that he would come over on some point of the holidays. 

Of course he refused to come on the eve. It's the only night he can work alone and really focus on the work, well, he wasn't exactly alone, his secretary was there, Frank. The little midget was the only thing that made Gerard's heart flutter. He didn't quite know why, but there was something about Frank that made him feel warm..made him feel love. 

It was getting late, he looked at the clock on his phone and it was getting close to 9pm. As he looked at it, Mikey was calling him.

"Hey, Mikes. What's up?"

"Ah, nothing much, Gee, just Christmas, how's my brother?"

"Oh, he's alright, how's mine?"

"He's fine too. Gerard may I ask you a simple question, what is Christmas about?"

"I don't actually know, you make me think about this every year and I never find out, what is it, Mikey?"

"Christmas is about love and being close to the people who care, it's the time of giving. It's not about giving, it's the time of it. Christmas is the time of giving, think about that Gerard Way."

Gerard sighed and leaned back in his chair, he doesn't understand his brother, always with some weird sentences like this. What is that supposed to mean? It can be taken in many ways.

As Gerard was thinking about that, the big door to his office opened and a little creature walked in.

"It's getting late Mr Way."

"Yes, it is, Frank."

"I..I was wondering if I could come here and keep you company, I got all my work done, and I don't really have any hurry going home."

"Sure, Frank, sure."

"Thank you, sir." Frank sat down on the little sofa that was in Gerard's office.

"I've actually also got all my work done, would you like to do something, because I don't want to go home either." With this Gerard stood from his chair and walked to the sofa to sit next to Frank.

"I..I don't actually know."

"We could have a nice converstation. I don't really know you well, Frank?"

"Okay, what do you want to talk about?"

"Christmas. What do you think it's about?"

"I-um probably and friends, people who you love and who love you and stuff like that."

"I see, well, you know, I don't really have anyone who loves me, and I don't really enjoy spending time with my family. That's why I don't want to leave work on Christmas. You, why did you stop leaving work like, couple years back?"

" came out to my family about me being gay, and they didn't really want to see me anymore, and my boyfriend broke up with me about couple years ago, that's why. Because I don't have anyone who loves me either."

"Can I confess you something, Frank?"

"Of course."

"I like you, a lot. You're the only one who makes me feel something."

Frank fell a bit silent, because he was shocked at the fact that his bitter boss, who he thought didn't care about anyone, was now liking him. Frank liked him back actually, and this was like all his dreams come true.

"I..I like you too, Gerard. Even though you're mean and bitter, I knew there's a sweet side to you, and I always dream that I'll see the sweet side one day."

"Oh, Frank. You don't know how happy I am now because, I thought that no one would ever like me." Gerard had tears in his eyes, and he was smiling like a mad man.

"Oh Gerard, how can you think that? You're an amazing person, you just would have to show it a little more often."

They just stared at each other for a while smiling and holding each other. 


It ended up with Frank going over to Gerard's and them giggling over a bottle of red wine. They had talked about absolutely everything, in only couple of hours. Frank had seen the sweet side he had wanted to see, and he was loving it. Gerard was feeling all the good feelings in the world at the same time because of Frank's smile and just his very existence.

Around midnight Frank said:

"Whoops..It's getting late, I should get going." 

"Oh, okay, are you sure you don't want me to walk you home?"

"I'll get a cab. I'll use bathroom, would you please order the cab for me?"

"Of course."

Frank went to the bathroom and Gerard called the cab. When Frank stumbled out of the bathroom giggling, he walked towards Gerard and basically threw himself on him, Gerard fell agaisnt the wall and was pinned between that and Frank. Gerard hadn't had nearly as much of the wine as Frank.

"Whoa, Frank, should you go straight to sleep when you get home?"

"Okay, Gee." Gerard blushed at the nickname.

"Awwww. You're reeaally cutesy when you blush."

"Okay, Frank, calm down you're drunk."

"No no no, maybe a little tipsy, but not drunk, I can think clear. I would say you're cutesy when you blush sober. You know what I will ask, what I would ask sober?"

"I don't know, what?"

"Will you be my boyfriend?"


"No! I'm not drunk, and even if I was, I would still ask that, because I think that you're a really amazing and a sweet person, and I like you, and I just really wanna hold you, make you happy and just be with you."

Gerard thought for a moment, but soon answered:

"Yes Frank, yes, I'll be your boyfriend." he said smiling. Frank smiled and started to lean closer and that was when they heard the car park outside Gerard's house.

"I-I should leave." With that Frank pecked Gerard on the cheek and took his bag and was almost out the door when:

"Frank! Wait! Is that a misteltoe above your head?" 

Then Gerard jogged to him, he cupped Frank's face and gave him a hard kiss. 

When he pulled away Frank was blushing and looked at him wide eyed.

"Merry Christmas Frankie."

"Merry Christmas Mr Way."

Merry Christmas everyone :*

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