(Gamzee x Karkat) Train Ride

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Gamzee sat on the train, he was going to visit his brother Kurloz, Earth was more complicated

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Gamzee sat on the train, he was going to visit his brother Kurloz, Earth was more complicated... humans he never saw before passed by him, same with trolls. Except one familiar... Karkat Vantas. He was a great leader, Gamzee thought so anyway. He was kind and caring, not to mention some anger issues he needs to work out. Karkat sat by him, looking straight ahead. He didn't think he noticed him. It was quiet, except the air was filled with screaming children and people talking. He stared up at the ceiling. "HoNk." He liked to say that a lot. Karkat looked at him, now smiling a bit too wide. "MAKARA..." Gamzee looked at the shorter troll, smiling back. "BeSt FrIeNd." "OH GOD IT'S BEEN A WHILE! HOW YA BEEN?!" "Eh, It'S bOrInG. It WaS mUcH mOrE fUn WhEn ThE wOrLd WaS iN tOtAl ChAoS aNd We HaD tO mOtHeRfUcKiNg SaVe It." "YOU STILL USE MOTHERFUCKING OR MOTHERFUCK WITH EVERYTHING... YOU HAVEN'T CHANGED A BIT... AND YEAH, IT WAS... GOOD TIMES." He laid back.

"WHERE YA HEADED TO?" "My BrOtHeRs PlAcE... yOu?" "KANKRI WANTS ME TO VISIT HIM, TOO." "HeY mAyBe We'Ll SeE eAcH oThEr AgAin." "YEAH!" He smiled. "OH GOD I'VE BEEN EXHAUSTED, SOL HAS BEEN BUGGING THE FUCK OUTTA ME..." "WhY?" "I DON'T KNOW, SOMETHING ABOUT HANDS..." "HeH sAmE sOlLuX..." "MIND IF I..." "....If WhAt...?" "I JUST..." he laid his head against his shoulder. "JUST FOR A BIT..." "I dOn'T mInD aT aLl..." "THANKS..." He fell asleep a little while later.

Gamzee smiled wide, then kissed his forehead. "LoVe Ya, BeSt FrIeNd..."

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