(Cronus x Mituna) I Need You, I Lovwe You, I Miss You

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Cronus hasn't seen Mituna in a week, it was much more

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Cronus hasn't seen Mituna in a week, it was much more... quieter and... boring. He frowned and stared at nothing, just straight ahead. "Cr9nus, are y9u listening?" He snapped out of his thoughts at looked at Kankri. "Oh, yes, sorry... just... zoned out is all... things havwe been running through my mind..." "Are y9u 9kay? Is there s9mething that I can d9 t9 help?" "No, no, I'm sorry, continue..." Kankri stared at him for a bit. "Well... if y9u d9 say s9. I shall if y9u'd like." "Yeah, please." He was now talking about Mituna. "S9 I saw Mituna earlier, I smiled and waved, walking up t9 him, and trying my 6est n9t t9 scare him. 6ut he just gave me a faint smile, a 6it gl99my if y9u ask me. He wasn't his 9riginal self, he had dark circles under his eyes, and 9h, that preci9us 6a6y... his v9ice was s9 quiet and his v9ice 9h s9 s9rry ab9t s9mething, I'm n9t quite sure... d9 y9u have any idea what's up? I w9uld like t9 help him, 9r maybe he w9uld like t9 talk it 9ut... I am a very g99d listner..."

Cronus's fins drooped a bit, staring sadly at what he just heard. "Cr9nus, Cr9nus are y9u 9kay?" "I... I havwe to go, Kankri... sorry for leavwing just likes this but... uh... I havwe some things to do... wve can catch up later..." "I understand c9mpletely... see y9u s99n and be safe." "Thanks..." "It is n9 pr96lem at all."

Cronus sat on his couch, the ticking clock the only noise that was heard. He re-thought what Kankri just said to him, now worried as hell. "Mituna-" he got up and walked away.

Mituna sighed and stared into the mirror, taking off his helmet. He placed his hand on his reflection, staring. "57UP1D- N0- BL1ND....." he smiled weakly to himself. He wiped his yellow tears away, no one, absolutely no one saw Mituna in a week. Not even Latula or Kurloz. If someone were to call him or knock on his door, he wouldn't answer it. If someone where to see him in public, he just would either panic or stay depressed. He grabbed his helmet off of the ground and walked downstairs. The clock read 4:00 p.m. "4N07H3R D4Y..." He rolled up his sleeves, there were cuts. He self-harmed himself... not just on his wrists, but arms. He sighed and took off his clothes, putting on a short sleeve, black shirt and some jeans. He ran his fingers through his messy, black hair. He set his precious helmet on his bed and stared at the ground.

He heard a knock on the door, he looked downstairs. "................" he ignored it and sat on his bed, staring at the carpet. "0H G0 4W4Y..." He told himself, running his thumb against the scars. Knock knock knock. He sighed and laid down, wishing that whoever it was, they would go away. He covered his ears and hummed to himself. Few minutes later, it sounded like a door creaked open. "WH47 7H3-" He sat up, surprised. He immediately stood up. "1 W1LL FUCK1NG R1P Y0U 70 5HR34D5!" "Tuna, it's just me!" Cronus yelled.

"............ 0H............" is all he said. "W417 WH47- Y0U'R3 7R355P4551NG!!!!" "Sure, you can call it that." he walked upstairs and opened his bedroom door. "..............WHY 4R3 Y0U H3R3?!?!?" "I wvas wvorried...." ".......H4.......... W0RR13D? 480U7 FUCK1NG M17UN4 C4P70R?" "Yes, I wvas..." he walked up to him. "Wvhere wvere you? You havwe evweryone wvorried sick!" "H0M3. 1 W45 H0M3." "For a wveek?" "Y35. N0W FUCK 0FF." "You look like you'vwe been crying... mind to tell me why?" he sat by him. "............" Mituna looked away. "Mituna please..." he begged him. He looked back at him, mouth a bit open. "................" He couldn't quite catch his words. "1........" 'I'm listening.... it's only you and me right nowv......." ".......JU57.... 7H1NK B4CK 47 4LL 0F 7H053 71M35 1 W45 4N 4NN0Y1NG L177LE PR1CK... 4LL 1 D1D W45 DR1V3 P30PL3 0U7 0F 7H13R G0DD4MN M1ND5 4ND N0 0N3 541D 4NY7H1NG 480U7 17! 1'M U53L355! 3V3N 1F 50M30N3 D1D 54Y 50M37H1NG, 1 D1DN'7 5T0P! 3V3RY0N3 C4N'7 574ND M3! 7H3Y W0ULD 8E MUCH 83773R 0FF W17H0UT M3!!!" "But that's wvhy I like you." "WH47?" "Annoyance. It's just... you, I mean... hmm... I think that came out wvrong... and evweryone misses you, evweryone is wvorried sick, especially me, Mituna..." "WHY? WHY M3?!"

Cronus smiled a bit and held his hands. "......Because I lovwe you......" "L135.... 4-4LL L135......" Tears filled his eyes and he sobbed silently. "It's true... you are lovwed Mituna, we lovwe you, you're family to us, a friend, and you're precious to us." "1-1'M N07H1NG!!!" He took his hands back. Cronus grabbed his chin and smiled more. "You are evwerything to me... I couldn't imagine you missing or gone... because I care about you, I lovwe you, I miss you... I need you in my life..." he wiped his tears away. "I lovwe you, Mituna Captor..." he kissed him. "..........1.........." ".............yes........?" "1-1 L0V3 Y0U, T00...!" he kissed him back. Cronus lightly grabbed his wrist, looking at the cuts, and arms. "...........Please.... please don't you evwer do this again...... okay? Please........ I hate to see you like this...... don't evwer think that you're alone and no one likes you because of how you act... because wve lovwe you no matter wvhat.... do you hear me..?" he brought his wrist close to his mouth, kissing his cuts. "1-1'M 50RRY... 1-1'M 5ORRY..." he hid his cuts on his other wrist. "It's okay...." he pulled him close. "It's all okay..."

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