(Dirk x Jake) Halloween Kiss

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Jake walked down the sidewalk, he was a skeleton

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Jake walked down the sidewalk, he was a skeleton. Dirk followed, he was a ghost. With shades. "Dude, I want candy." Dirk said. "Be patient, Dirk. You'll get candy soon enough." "Nah, I'm leaving you behind." he walked off. "Wait- Dirk- Dirk come back here!" he ran after him. He walked up to a house and knocked on it, waiting eagerly, yet, patiently. Karkat swung his door, staring at him. "AREN'T YOU TOO OLD TO GO TRICK OR TREATING?" "No. I'm never too old." ".......... ALRIGHT, HERE'S SOME CANDY NOW SCRAM." He threw candy in each of their pails and slammed the door shut. "Well shit. At least we got candy, though." He walked away. "He's right, you know." Jake said. "About what?" "Us, being too old." "Pfffffffffff." he kept walking.

Children ran past them, screaming and yelling. Grubs, too. "Ahhhhhh I love to see Trolls and Humans together in perfect harmony... see, Dirk, it's beautiful, isn't it?" Jake smiled wide. "Yeah..." he looked through his candy. "Dirk, I swear...... hey... do you want a kiss?" "What?" that immediately got his attention, staring at him. "Sure, okay, alright, yeah." "Okay then!" he grabbed a Hershey's Kiss out from his pail. "................. OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH........" "What?" "Hershey's Kiss." "Yes, of c- oh.... oh no no no, I'm sorry, mate." "Nah it's fine." he took it. "Thanks." "But..... you can have a kiss, too." he gave him a quick kiss on the lips. Dirk blushed. "Dirk happy.... Dirk VERY happy...."

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