Prologue//Chapter 1

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I guess the games could kind of remind you of the hunger games but just the killing and one winner part. Anyways, I have A LOT of OC's in this story, and Arthur will only be in this story in the beginning and end. Maybe mentioned in between, so sorry for Merthur fans! But you will get a depressed Arthur and Merlin for a reason that I will not spoil :). Anyways, read and review!!! Tell me what you think.


Albion, such a big land mass full of many kingdoms. It is said, that one day, Arthur Pendragon will reunite the lands of Albion alongside his advisor and protector, the most powerful warlock in existence, Emrys. There's Amata, Caerleon, Essetir, Gawant, Mercia, Nemeth, and many more. However, there are lands far beyond Mercia, and the northern Plains, so far away and hidden that no one has ventured to them in over hundreds of years. But there, beyond dangerously high mountains, rapid rivers, huge lakes, mile long plains, and kingdoms, just near the edge of the great land of Avalon, is a thriving kingdom. One that no kingdom knows about, one that rarely anyone has gone to. They have made no treaties, for they don't need to trade. They have everything they need from an abundant source of food, to the best warriors. There's a major factor that makes Camelot so much different from this Kingdom. A factor that has made this kingdom so successful. Something that the Pendragon's have tried to eradicate for years...



Midnight is when the Kingdom of Camelot is at its quietest.
At this time, most of the citizens have finished their duties, the betrothed are sleeping together in each other's arms, the servants are in the deepest of sleep, even the crown prince is in a heavy slumber from the exhaustion of training and yelling at a certain idiotic manservant, who is also in the world of dreams.
Midnight is also the time when the bell rings once, which signals a time for the guards to change shifts, the perfect time for intruders.
It is the darkest hour.


A bright light formed in the forest of Ascetir, just outside the city of Camelot. Once the light retreated, what was left in its place was a group of five of the finest Knights.

"Ugh." Groaned one of the men as he rubbed his temples to lessen the soon to be migraine.

"Quit your whining Cade! It was a simple transportation spell." Replied another.

"Seriously James? You just transported us about 800 miles over Avalon and you expect me to feel fine?" Cade sneered as he glared at the sorcerer.

"Oh please, would you rather have spent a month trying to get here? You realize that we would probably all die trying to ride here. You know how dangerous it is." Replied another man.

"Who's side are you on Lucas!" Screeched Cade.

"Is it not obvious? I'm on James's." Replied Lucas with a smirk.

Cade growled. "What about you Matthew?"

"I'm with James on this one."

"You little piece of-"

"Enough!" Hissed a blonde man with the greenest eyes. "We are here on a mission, there is no time for teasing, is that understood?"




"Yes Alexander."

Murderous eyes locked on Cade.

"Say my name correctly."

"Yes Alex." Smirked Cade.

"Better." Stated Alex with gritted teeth. He turned back around and and peeked through the trees. Just a couple hundred feet away were the gates to Camelot. "Matthew, who's the first name on the list?"

Matthew swiftly pulled a scroll out from the side of his belt, and unraveled the parchment.

"Well?" Asked an impatient Alex.

"It's a 21 year old male."

The obvious leader rolled his eyes. "Yes, all twelve of the people on that list are male and 21, "I meant, give me a name Sir Matthew."

Cade ripped the scroll out of Matthew's hands and turned around quickly. The other knight tried to get the paper out of Cade's hand but he just held it up higher, while trying to read it.

"Um, the boy's name is.... Merlin."

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