Chapter 9

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Involves Merlin!Whump and lots of Malex :) (yes I made a ship name don't judge lol) anyway, I really hope you like it and I'm kinda excited for you to see what I wrote at the end, good things to come! Enjoy!


"Faster!" Lord Mason cried, "I said faster!"

Two weeks, that's how long it's been since Merlin arrived at The Kingdom of Arudus. Two weeks of the same thing; wake up, eat, train, eat, sleep, and repeat. Two weeks since all Mason has made him do was strength training. Apparently, Merlin wasn't allowed to use a sword, mace, dagger, or lance until he's redeemed 'fit enough' by Mason. But judging by the way the Lord keeps telling him he's making little progress, he realizes that he probably won't be allowed to pick up a sword till the end of those eight months. Merlin shook away those negative thoughts as he continued running laps around the private training grounds. The only thing he's grateful for today is that there's not a hot sun out, just clouds, with a small breeze. He made a mental note to thank the gods later.

Merlin hated running, almost as much as he despised the sack of flour. He always made sure to give it a proper glare before he started his training, it deserved it.

When Alex released Merlin from the dungeons on the fourth day, despite Merlin's relief from having to sleep on a straw floor, part of him wished he hadn't been released at all. When he reported to his trainer that day, apparently Mason had a bunch of new ways to prepare him 'properly' for the games. Firstly, he almost drowned a couple of times from being kept sternly under water, and secondly, the lord wanted to start focusing on strengthening his 'puny arms.' He knew it was going to be bad when the lord magicked a boulder onto his training grounds.
Merlin was told he had to push the boulder from one side of the training room, to the other. He obeyed of course.
The warlock pushed and pushed the giant rock and only managed to get it halfway across the grounds before his arms practically turned into jelly.
His trainer suggested that maybe he try another method to gain more arm muscle first. That was when he summoned smaller rocks.

Then, after Merlin took a small break, he had to pick up a twenty pound rock with both hands, and throw it as hard as he could at the wall. The lord made him do this several times until Merlin's arms could do no more. He took another break, and then had to keep training more and more, till he was at breaking point. This was the training routine he had been consistent with for the past week and a half.

So now, as Merlin is currently running around with the evil sack full of flour clutched to his chest, he could only think of how lucky he really was that he was doing this instead of the other terrible things Mason made him do... for now.


Since the first day he was brought here, not once had he run into another sorcerer as he was going back to his rooms, but for some reason, today was his unlucky day.

It was as Merlin was stumbling back to his chambers after a long and tiring day of training that he came across two competitors.

"Well, who do we have here?" A sorcerer with light brown hair uttered.

The blonde who was next to the Brunette was wearing a royal blue outfit while the other stuck up sorcerer was wearing burgundy.

"Please," Merlin pleaded, "I just want to go back to my rooms, so if you would please-" the warlock tried to get around them but the blonde pushed him in the chest. If it was a normal day and he hadn't trained to exhaustion, then he would have just stumbled back a few steps, but since it wasn't a normal day, and he had worked his muscles to its maximum, the push knocked him off his feet, resulting in him falling back and accidentally slamming his head back on the stone hard ground. Merlin groaned from the sharp pain.

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