Chapter 7

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*Important* just to make things clear, this story takes place about a month after the great dragon attacked Camelot. This story is also taking place during the hiatus between season 2 and 3 during when Morgana was "kidnapped" in the show. My story is happening during that year.

Long chapter! And lots of shocking surprises :) pls review! I love your feedback!

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"Arthur!" Merlin screamed as he sat upright in bed, panting.

He heard the glass vase that was on his bedside table shatter. He looked in that direction, but it was too dark to see. However, what he did notice, was the gold flash of his eyes in the mirror across the room.

Merlin gasped, his left hand automatically wrapping around his right wrist. He kept fumbling with his sleeve, feeling around every inch of his arm. Nothing.
The bracelet was gone, it wasn't on him anymore.

"Bryne" Merlin whispered. He watched his eyes flash gold once more in the mirror, and then watched as the room around him illuminated. It worked, all the candles were lit.

He gave a small chuckle of relief. The warlock looked down at the bed he was in and threw the comforter off himself. Sure enough, the bracelet he was wearing was lying on the sheets beside him, or what was left of it. There were several metal pieces scattered about the bed.

"ásettan" Merlin muttered. He looked on as the pieces mended itself back together, and in no time, the bracelet was whole again.

He picked it up carefully and slid it back on  his right wrist. Right away he knew it no longer worked, he didn't get the sickening feeling of something being taken from him. That dream he had, must of caused his magic to lash out. It surprised him, not even when Arthur was in danger in his dreams could his magic stay suppressed. Their bond really was, truly strong.

"Clingan," Merlin spoke. The bracelet shrunk in size, back to the same way it was before, fitting snugly around his skinny wrist.

He had to keep up appearances if he wanted to keep his magic intact.

A moment later, the door started to opened to his chambers.

"Hey Aiden, you wouldn't believe-"

Merlin's smile faltered.

"Your not Aiden, what happened to Aiden?"

There, holding a tray of food, was a servant, who wasn't Aiden.
The frightened young boy hurriedly walked into the room and put the tray on the wooden table. Another servant followed into the room, holding what looked like to be black clothes... His clothes.

"The-these are your clothes sir." The first servant hesitantly spoke.

"Set them down on my desk please." Merlin replied with no enthusiasm what so ever.
"Where is Aiden?"

"H-he is no longer in your service." The servant frighteningly spoke.

"What happened to him?" Merlin said through gritted teeth.

"I'm not sure, they just told me to take over his duties."

Merlin closed his eyes and slowed his breathing. Something wasn't right. now that he had his magic again, he got his funny feelings back too. The ones that told him when something was wrong, and something was very wrong.

"Okay." Merlin replied, his voice dangerously calm.

"You have training in a few minutes." The servant replied.

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