Chapter 2

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I hope you guys will learn to love my OCs. I promise things will make more sense soon :)
I will tell you ahead of time that Alex will be a main in this FIC. Him and his group of friends are important in this. Btw there's something more to Alex than just being the captain of his Knights ;) please give me some feedback and tell me what you think!!
(This FIC takes place when Uther is still King)


"What the hell is that?" Asked Lucas Incredulously.

"A potion I made." James hesitantly replied.

"A potion?" Cade gaped at James as he stared at the glass jar in his comrades hand. "Since when do you make... Potions!"

James scratched the back of his head, deciding if whether or not he should answer the question truthfully. "Uh- well- um, you see-"

"Go on," said Alex, "this, I actually do want to hear."

The knight dropped his hand and exhaled dramatically. "I started making potions a couple years ago."

It was silent for a moment before Cade burst out laughing. "A-a-a year ago? Ha! Your such a girl!"

James just glared as Cade continued on laughing. It got worse as time progressed and tears started to form in the humorous man's eyes.

"You done yet?" Matthew asked.

"Y-yeah yeah." Replied Cade as he wiped the tears from his eyes. The occasional giggle slipping out of his mouth.

"Well, James, what does this potion do exactly?" Asked Alex.

"Glad you asked, because this is our ticket into Camelot."

"Our Ticket into Camelot?" Lucas stared at James in disbelief. "How?"

"Well," The sorcerer began through gritted teeth. He was getting really aggravated in the lack of faith these guys were having towards him. "If you happened to smash the bottle to pieces than the liquid will turn to gas once it reaches air and whoever is near it will fall asleep instantly." He finished with a grin.

"James that's... Good." Replied Alex.

"You can't be serious!" Cade interjected. "We can't risk using something that may not work and might just be our deaths."

"Your lack of faith in me is astounding Cade."

Alex rose his hand to silence them, and once he had all of his knights full attention he proceeded to speak. "I trust James, Cade. When has he ever failed us?."

Cade opened his mouth to speak but soon shut it for a lack of anything to say.

A grin grew on Alex's face, and when he made eye contact with James, the sorcerer bowed his head in thanks.
"Well what are we waiting for? We have a sorcerer to kidnap."


Merlin woke to the sound of glass shattering. His eyes burst open and his heart seemed to skip a beat. He lay there still, not even risking to blink. His breathing became irregular but he tried to calm it as he listened to the voices outside of his room.

"How many of those god forsaken potions do you have!" He heard someone hiss.

"I brought four, but there's plenty more." Someone else replied.

"Be quiet!" A more commanding voice said. Merlin could tell he was the leader.

The voices got quieter but they were getting closer so Merlin could still hear them.

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