Chapter 4

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A/N: hope you guys are enjoying this story, I have sooo much planned for it that it may take me forever to finish... But I promise I will make every chapter worth reading :)
There is Arthur 1x01 irony in this chapter, comment if you figure it out! Anyways... This ones short, I promise the next one will be longer!! We've got some Alex and Merlin in here... ;)
Enjoy and give me some feedback pls!! Comment comment comment!!!!!!!!


Merlin concluded that it wasn't just him who walked on shaky legs, it was all of the sorcerers. They walked in a straight line surrounded by guards as the group followed Alex. Every corridor they turned down was dim and dingy, only lit up by the candles that rimmed the stony gray walls.

They walked down a long Hallway till they reached the end and had to stop, causing all the magic users to bump into each other for the lack of leg use.

"You guys will be a little shaky at first, as you can probably already tell," Alex began, "but rest assured that the feeling will ware off soon, your bodies are just not used to your suppressed magic yet."

More glares were shot at the prince.

"Well, these are your rooms." Alex gestured to the twelve doors on each side of them.
"Choose wisely. In each room there is a piece of parchment paper on your desks that will have the name of your trainer on it. When you have their name you will report to their room every morning at dawn, and will spend most of your days training with them till dark. You may receive the best trainer or the worst, it depends if your lucky enough."

One of the sorcerers raised their hands.

"Yes?" The captain called on the man.

"Um, will you be one of the trainers?"


"Why not?"

Alex sighed. "Because I am not allowed to. Only previous victors or warriors are allowed to."

The sorcerer just nodded.

"Well, choose my fellow sorcerers, and good luck." The Prince said with a small smile.

The sorcerers hesitated at first before they started to walk around.
There was a number on each of the doors, 1-12.

Even though his magic was still being suppressed by the bracelet around his wrist, he closed his eyes and tried to feel for something... Anything that could help him into choosing the perfect room.

He felt something, it was barely there, but it was still worth trying. Keeping his eyes closed, he let his feet guide him till he reached the front of a door. He slowly opened his eyes to reveal the number '7' in brass on the door.

Merlin was about to open the door when a voice stopped him.

"That's my lucky number."

Merlin froze, he knew that voice.

"That's... Nice." The young warlock said as he pivoted his upper body around to look at the blonde man standing next to him.
The edges of the prince's lips twitched up for a moment.

"I saw what you did back there." He replied.

"I'm not following." Merlin stated as his eyebrows furrowed together in confusion.

Alex rolled his eyes in exasperation.
"You closed your eyes, you felt for your room."

"Oh." Merlin said once he realized he was being an idiot. 'That's something Arthur would say.' He thought to himself.

"Yeah," Alex said as he chuckled, "and I'm pretty sure it worked if you chose number 7, Merlin."

"How do you know my name?" Merlin asked dumbfounded.

"Well, you weren't really subtle about it when you were speaking to my father."

The young warlock gaped at the Prince.

"Are you saying that-that your-?"

"The Prince of Arudus?" Alex finished for him. "Yes, yes I am."

"Wow that's... Ironic." Merlin replied.

"Ironic?" Alex asked.

"Yeah." Merlin said softly, almost a whisper as he stared off into space, thinking about Camelot and Arthur. He was, however, taken out of his trance when another sorcerer walked in between Alex and him.

He put his hand on the doorknob but before he could open it Merlin blurted out.
"This one's mine."

The sorcerer just glared at him. "I don't see you in it."

"Well-." Merlin stopped short when he realized that was true.

The stranger just chuckled evilly and was about to open the door again when Alex spoke.

"He said the room was his."

The man tensed but reluctantly backed away after a moment. "It's all yours big ears."

Merlin watched as Alex opened his mouth to say something but the warlock cut him off.
"Thank you sire, but I think I will be going now." And with that, he quickly opened the door to room number '7' and hurried inside.

Alex stood there for a moment contemplating what just happened.
He didn't even know why he felt the urge to talk to the kid or tell him something so personal like his lucky number.
Ever since he made eye contact with him earlier, he felt a connection. What's even stranger is that when the guy stood up to his father, he felt the need to back up the sorcerer, and he's always on his fathers side... no matter if he's wrong or not.
"There's something about you Merlin." He whispered to himself. "I can't quite put my finger on it."

And with that, he turned around and trudged away.

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