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Why... Why why why...

It was a school day. The class was gloomy and silent after hearing about the famous fashion model, Adrien Agreste's death. His body was found at 2:15 in the morning at the base of the Eiffel Tower. He was already dead, the wound in his chest still bleeding. No one saw what happened. Well, one person did. Marinette sat at her desk, eyes blank and dull, her expression emotionless. She was emptily staring down at Adrien's former seat, not moving, blinking, saying a word. Alya and Nino looked at her worriedly. They were of course sad for their friend, everyone was. But it seemed the news had taken an even bigger effect on Marinette. Even Chloe wasn't as badly damaged. Sure, she was crying silently at her desk, but the look and aura Mari gave off was even more unsettling. Alya rubbed her friend's back in circles, trying to get an response. Nothing happened. Soon, the teacher walked into class, and the day started.

"Alright class," Madame Bustier started. "I know that today is a sad day, for all of Paris, but.. You all still need to get an education. Let's begin." Chloe stopped crying long enough to sit up and take out her tablet. The other students retrieved their tablets as well and began to work. Marinette moved like a robot. Taking her tablet out and writing down the lesson. She wasn't looking at anything but her screen. She didn't hear anything but the teacher. Soon, her mind swirled away, from Madame Bustier's voice, from her tablet. Her eyes became even more glazed over, and her hand slowed. She still wrote, somehow still getting the lesson down. But she was somewhere else. The scene of Hawkmoth stabbing Chat, stabbing Adrien, replayed over and over in front of her. She saw herself running to the boy's side, pulling him onto her lap. She watched as she brushed his bangs out of his face, his green eyes looking up at her. The smile on his lips as he coughed up more blood. His entire death played out before her, starting over like a movie stuck on replay. She only stopped her memories when she felt a hand on her back. Alya.

"Mari.. You okay? You're crying.." The brown haired girl stated, her eyes filled with worry. Marinette's eyes didn't meet the girls'. She was looking at the tears on her tablet. Sometime during the memories, she had stopped writing. Her pen was settled by the sentence she had written. Tears stung Mari's cheeks as she continued to cry. Lifting her arm, she wiped them away with her sleeve.

"I'm fine.." She said, her voice hurting. She hadn't spoke since last night. Her throat was still hurt from her screaming and crying. Alya looked at her once more, removed her hand, and got back to work. Marinette's dull blue eyes flicked over to her friend, then back to the screen of her tablet. She began working agin, this time, not getting lost in memories.

After class was over, Marinette was the first to grab her bag and swiftly head out of the classroom. She heard footsteps behind her, and soon two hands were placed on either of her shoulders. Nino and Alya had caught up with her.

"Marinette, we know you're devastated about Adrien. I can't imagine how you feel right now." Alya said, her eyes slightly tearing up. Marinette said nothing. Nino spoke up.

"Me and Alya were talkin, and we decided to like, take you out for ice cream. Or pizza. Whatever you want! And it would be our treat." He announced, a small smile plastering his lips. Marinette looked over at him. She wanted Adrien. That's all she wanted. But she didn't wanna let her friends down. Looking back ahead, she nodded.

"Sure." She said dully. Alya and Nino made quick eye contact, then looked back at Marinette.

"Right then girl! Come on, we'll cheer you up!" Alya smiled. Both teens grabbing her hands, they ran out of the school, dragging the blueinette behind them. Marinette sighed, a tiny smile tugging at her lips. She was happy that her friends cared. She urged herself not to think about Chat, to think about Adrien, for the rest of the day.


Once home, Marinette walked past her parents and upstairs to her room. They weren't going to bother her. Alya and Nino had managed to make her smile and laugh a little today, which made them happy. Her eyes still didn't regain life to them though. They had all went to the park and sat on a bench, staring at the fountain. One of Adrien's modelling spots. They had all huddled under a tree together and cried, Marinette the more harder than the three. Soon, they all said their goodbyes, and returned on their paths home. Marinette reached her room, and sat down in her pink chair. Earlier that day, she had removed all of the Adrien posters from her room, for looking at them would cause an attack. Tikki flew from the pillow on her bed, where she was talking with Plagg. The cat kwami was almost as devastated as Mari. Tikki landed in Marinette's hand, looking up at her with big worried eyes.

"Marinette, I explained to Plagg about Adrien. He's upset too." The little red kwami sighed. She looked over at Plagg, who had curled up on the pillow, his back facing the wall. She was interrupted by a sob, looking back at the blue haired girl. Marinette had her eyes closed tight, her face was red and tears pouring down her cheeks.

"It's my fault..." She cried, hand muffling her sobs a bit. "If I had moved.. If I had gotten out of the way.. Maybe he wouldnt've.. If he hadn't.." She sniffled, her hand pressing closer against her face.

"Marinette..." Tikki cooed, tears coming to her eyes as she watched her holder shake and cry. The kwami flew up to her face, hugging it as tight as she could.

"It isn't your fault.. Please.. Don't blame yourself.."

"But it is!! It's all my fault!!" Marinette clasped both hands over her face, bending over in her chair and curling into her knees. She shook as she sobbed. She blamed herself for her crushes death. All because she couldn't jump out of Hawkmoths way fast enough. Chat had pushed her, getting himself stabbed. It was all her fault. It was all Ladybug's fault...

Marinette's shaking was stopped as she felt something press against her face. It didn't feel like Tikki. She peered up slightly, seeing Plagg pressed against her.

"I lost him too." The kwami said, his voice cracking a little. Hearing him say that, made Marinette, choke back a sob. She held the cat kwami close, her tears landing on his furry head. She could feel him shaking as well. Standing up, she walked over to her bed. She decided to not do her homework tonight. Curling up under the covers, the two kwamis snuggled against her, the three of them all falling asleep. It was a gloomy day indeed.

End of chapter two! I liked it, do you like it? Cry my kittens, cry your souls out as I watch you pressure me to write more.

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