Lady Misfortune

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"Tikki! Spots on!"

Ladybug dodged an an attack by the akuma. She stood up, swinging her yo-yo around as she stared down her opponent.

"Just give it up Ladybug! You know that you can't defeat me on your own! Where, is that little kitten of yours anyways? He sure doesn't seem to care enough about you to help you in our fight!" The bunny girl smiled, twirling her wand between her fingers. Ladybug growled.

"Shut it Lapin Magniqe! I can defeat you just fine!" Throwing her yo-yo at a nearby building, she swung over to it, dodging a barrage of attacks. Lapin Magniqe took her top hat off her head.

"C'mon buggy! We haven't even gotten to the best part of the show! Pulling a rabbit out of a hat sure, but that's rude to me oh yes! So how about, we pull out a lion instead?" She giggled, tapping the edge of her hat twice with her wand, before a lion roar could be heard, and a magnificent lion jumped out of the hat. Landing on a building, it began to run in Ladybug's direction. The red and black superhero had to think fast. Standing up and bracing herself, she jumped as high as she could just before the lion pounced. Grunting as she landed harshly on another roof, she whipped out her yo-yo and threw it at the lion. The string wrapped itself around the feline's body, and with a large amount of strength, Ladybug tossed the lion far over the roofs. Panting, she stood up, wiping sweat off of her forehead.

'This would be much easier with Chat... My Chaton...' She thought. She felt her eyes begin to tear up again, but was interrupted by a near hit from the akuma. Jumping out of the way and wiping her tears, she focuses back on Lapin. The bunny was fuming.

"How DARE you throw my lion?! You're making me hopping mad buggy!!" She yelled. Ladybug clenched her teeth together.

"Puns.. These stupid puns.." She growled. Lapin Magniqe cocked an ear (bunny ear) towards her.

"What was that bug? Did you say something? How's bout I bounce on over there to get it out of you?" Ladybug continued standing.

"I knew it! You're useless without your partner! Oh well, the less superheroes we have, the better! I'm glad he's gone!" That made Ladybug snap.

"He was more than a partner!!" She screamed. Running to the edge of the roof and jumping up, she was soon in the air right in front of Lapin.

"HE," she punched the bunny to the ground, and landed above her.

"WAS", Ladybug punched her in the stomach, causing the akuma to cough.

"MY," She snatched the wand from Lapin's hand.

"FRIEND!!" She screamed at the top of her lungs, snapping the wand in half with more force than normal. The akuma flew out, and Ladybug caught it in her yo-yo. After purifying it, she released the butterfly into the air.

"Bye bye little butterfly." She smiled. Since she hadn't used a lucky charm, she wondered how to fix the city. A shock tingled through her spine as a thought went through her mind.

"Throw my yo-yo?" She said to no one in paticular. Shrugging, she grabbed her yo yo and threw it in the air, shouting.

"Miraculous Ladybug!!" The yo-yo glowed with a red light, and the normal ladybug shine flew across Paris, fixing the town like normal. Her yo yo fell back down and she caught it, amazed. Then, smiling, she instinctively shot her hand out in a fistbump.

"Pound I-" she stopped in her tracks when no hand hit hers. She had forgotten.

"Oh.. Right.." She sighed. Suddenly she was surrounded by press.

"Ladybug! Tell us, was the battle easy?"

"Are you hurt?"

"What caused this villain?" And...

"Where's Chat Noir?" Ladybug bit her lip, holding back tears. Sighing, she answered only one of the questions asked.

"Chat Noir is... No longer here. I, I don't know what happened, (she did though) but I don't think he'll be coming back. I'll be your only hero starting today." Someone caught her eye in the crowd. Alya came up to the front, recording on her phone.

"What was that shouting about during the fight? You were really screaming about something. Was it Chat Noir?" Ladybug nodded.

"He was my partner.. We had a really strong bond.. So, with him gone I...I..." She couldn't stop the tears this time. Falling to her knees, she started to sob.

"I'm sorry.. I.. I've got to go." Ladybug clenched her yo-yo, and swung off, swinging from building to building as tears flew from her face.

~A few weeks later~

Marinette was depressed. She wasn't eating, she wasn't talking, she even started coming out of her room lesser and lesser. Alya came and visited every day after school, because she was always absent. And every time Alya, visited, Marinette looked even worse than before. She had dark bags under her eyes, her hair was let down and really messy. She was always tired, but didn't sleep because she would immediately wake back up screaming. She was having nightmares. Every night, every time she closed her eyes. She was also anxious around everyone and everything. She was really jumpy, and the slightest thing would send her into a panic. She never even had time for designing fashion anymore. The only time when she wasn't as disheveled as she is now, was when she was Ladybug. She was more calm and composed, but she always looked tired and exhausted. Her hair was always in messy pigtails, and she always looked out of it. Lucky for her, after the last akuma, there weren't any more. But there were more normal crimes. And the police seemed to need Ladybug's help for EVERYTHING. Oh, people robbing a bank? Let's get Ladybug! Cat stuck in a tree? Ladybug help! And more things. Marinette was getting really tired, but stayed as the hero of Paris. Today was gonna be different though.


Marinette was at school for the first time in a while. Sitting on a bench near the side of she school, she kept her head in her knees. She was crying, thinking of Adrien.

"If only it was me... I should've died.. Not him.." She hiccuped. She didn't notice an black and purple akuma flying towards her. Flying into one of the ribbons of her ponytail, she sat up, purple mask around her face. Her eyes grew even duller than they were, and they were half lidded. Her cries stopped as she listened to the voice.

"Lady Misfortune, I, am Hawkmoth."

Dearest Chat Noir..(Complete) #MLWattysAwardsWhere stories live. Discover now