Le garçon qui est ressuscité

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"Plagg... what is i-" Her panting was cut off, as she looked up. Her bluebell eyes widened in surprise, as she saw Plagg cuddling a figure sitting on a bench. The boy held the kwami in his hands, smiling. Ladybug was stunned, hastily taking a step towards him. The leaves crunched beneath her feet, and the boy looked up. His eyes locked onto hers, as Ladybug raised a shaky hand towards him.



The wind blew through the air, causing the two two teens' hair to blow across their faces. The stars sparkled silently, as the moonlight illuminated sunny blond and midnight blue hair. Ladybug stood a few feet away from the boy on the bench, as he stared at her with calm green eyes. The hero's breath was caught in her throat. She found that she could speak no words. It was hard to, considering that the boy in front of her should be dead. Ladybug took a shaky step forward, her heartbeat speeding up.

"Adrien... is that you?" Her voice came out choked, as if she were on the verge of tears. The shimmer in her blue eyes suggested that she probably was. Adrien smiled and stood up, Plagg nestling in his hair. The blond boy walked over to Ladybug, his paced steps seeming to take years to the heroine. When he finally reached her, he held his hands up and touched her face, eyes filled with happiness.

"I'm back..princess."


Marinette' P.O.V

I paced back and forth in my room, face as red as a beet as I dwelled on my situation.

"Not to mention, Adrien Agreste is in my room RIGHT NOW, taking a SHOWER!!" I cried, hands gripping at my hair. Tikki flew up to me.

"Calm down Marinette! You'll wake your parents!" I nodded and took deep breaths, calming myself down. Just then Adrien stepped out of the bathroom, towel covering his lower areas as his toned chest glistened with drops of water. His hair was wrapped in a towel too.

"Do you think your dad might have some old clothes I could wear Mari?" I stared at him, my face now as red as a tomato. I had to hold my breath to stop from screaming.

"Y-yeah I'll just u-um g-go get those clothes you for.. I mean you for clothes.. I mean clothes for you.." I squeaked, bumping into several things as I tried to make my way outside of my room. I shut the trapdoor behind me and released the breath I was holding. I snuck into my parents' room and grabbed the clothes. As I was walking back to my own room, I began thinking. How could Adrien be alive? I watched him die right in front of me! Is he an akuma? Is he a ghost? I shook my head at that one.

"He can't be a ghost, I carried him here! He was definitely solid.." I let out a sigh and ascended my stairs to my room.

'I'll ask him when he finishes getting comfortable.' I peeked my head up into the trapdoor.

"Adrien, I've got the cl- Eek!" I squealed in surprise when I saw Adrien examining the photos of him I had on my wall. I rushed into the room, and covered his view of the pictures, blushing furiously.

"Th-those are.. um.. umm.." I stuttered, before shoving the clothes in my arms forward.

"H-here!" I squeaked, looking at the ground. Adrien smiled at me.

"Thank's Mari." He said, before walking back into the bathroom to change. As he walked, I noticed something on his back. It looked like..

"A.. handprint?"

(15 minutes later..)

I sat on my bed, blushing as Adrien curled up next to me. We were watching a movie, and Adrien had scooted closer to me for warmth. Even though it was pretty warm outside. After a while into the movie, I took a deep breath and looked over at Adrien.

"Uh.. Adrien?"

"Hm?" He hummed in response. His vibrant green eyes looked over at me, and I felt my heart beat faster. After all this time, my feelings for him were practically still new.

"What... What do you remember?" Adrien looked at me curiously.

"What do you mean?" I closed my eyes and opened them again.

"Do you remember anything, before tonight? How did you get in the park?" Adrien blinked, before looking back at the screen where the movie was playing. I sighed, thinking he wasn't going g to answer me, before he started talking.

"I remember, a lot of things. My life before, my friends.. I also remember when I was... Dying." Adrien looked at me, his eyes filled with sadness.

"I remember you crying.. But you were transformed into Ladybug. I remember wiping your tears, and my blood staining your suit. I remember how sad you were. Then I blacked out." My eyes widened a bit.

"You.. You called me Princess back then.. Did you know..?" Adrien smiled.

"Since a week before then. I accidentally saw you talking to Tikki the day I came to visit. Neither you or her noticed me, and it took me a few solid minutes to realize who you were." I gasped and thought back to then as hard as I could. I did feel like someone was watching us, but I shook it off. I looked back up at my crush again.

"Was it you who left me the gift?" Adrien nodded.

"You see, after I died, I woke up underneath the Eiffel Tower. I was covered in dirt, and I was getting wet from the rain. I didn't know how I got there, but when I examined my body, my ring was gone and the hole in my chest was healed. I had no clue why, but I did find this strange handprint on my back.." I nodded, remembering the handprint I saw earlier. Adrien continued.

"I ended up wandering around, hiding in the shadows from the citizens of Paris. I was sure they knew I was dead, and I didn't want to scare them. Lucky for me, it was night. I was disguised by the hoodie I woke up next to, and wandered the streets, thinking. Then I remembered you, Marinette." My face flushed red as he said my name.

"I didn't want to full blown scare you if I showed up to your house, so I bought you a present first, and left it in your mail. Then I ran and hid in the park, contemplating what to do next. Later that night, I saw Plagg fly towards me, and then, well, you know the rest." I closed my eyes as Adrien finished his story, trying to process this information. It was all so difficult to take in. Then I looked him in the eyes again.

"Alright." I smiled. "I'll keep you here for a while, and maybe sneak some clothes from your house. Then, we can figure out what to do in terms of you being, alive again." Adrien nodded, and the both of us turned back to the movie. We had missed most of it with our conversation, but didn't care. Adrien once again cuddled into my side, and I smiled. Even thought it was odd, and I was embarrassed as heck from him being so close to me, I was glad. I was just happy he was back. After the movie ended, the two of us curled up under my covers. Adrien's eyes seemed to glow as he stared at me in the dark.

"Marinette...?" He whispered. I hummed in response. Adrien shifted slightly, then spoke again.

"Do you... Do you think if we spend enough time together, we could.... fall in love?" My face flushed a bit, and my eyes widened. Then I smiled.

"Yeah. Sure." Adrien smiled brightly, and we both fell asleep, the warm night breeze blowing through the window.

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