Alya et Marinette aller faire du shopping

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"Alyaaa!" Marinette groaned, trying to keep up as her friend ran in front of her.

"Slow down!! I can't keep up!!" The bluinette huffed, trying to force her legs to run faster. It was hard to run over slippery snow, and she really didn't see why Alya was running.

"Come on girl! We can't miss this!" Alya called back, turning a sharp corner. Marinette followed after, and watched as Alya began bounding up the steps to the mall.

"Miss what?? We're just going to the mall!" Marinette called after her friend, running up the stairs and into the glass double doors. As soon as she stepped into the building, Marinette was immediately assulted with all kinds of scents and feelings. First of all, she was warm again, after being in the cold air so long. So that was something to be thankful for. Second of all, she spotted a bunch of shops and food courts, which just made her mouth drool with excitement. Sadly, her dreaming was interrupted by a sudden grab on her arm. It was Alya.

"Girl, quit gawking and hurry up! We need to get to Paillettes et de style rose post haste! We're gonna miss the huge Ladybug sale!!" The brown haired girl started dragging her friend around the mall, quickly avoiding people and any obstacle in her way. Marinette however, was almost always getting hit with decorations and people, and she apologised profusely to anyone she accidentally bumped into as Alya kept dragging the girl along. Soon they reached the store, and Alya squealed.

"We weren't late after all!! Everything is still here!" The Ladybug fan beamed. A store keeper with short cut black hair and intimidating hazel eyes walked over to the girls, giving them a warm smile.

"Welcome! In fact, you two are early! The sale wasn't going to start until 4:00. You girls got here at least 30 minutes earlier!" Alya squealed again.

"Really?? Oh, oh! Can we look around? Can we, can we?" Marinette giggled at her friend. She was acting like a child. The woman smiled.

"Sure thing. Feel free to buy anything you want! And because you two got here early, I'll give you both a discount!" Alya and Mari looked at each other before rushing into the store, looking at everything in sight. Alya picked up several figurines and accessories, along with some trinkets and the sort. Marinette had made her way over to the Chat Noir section, where she began to do the same. Even though it had been a whole year, the mention of Chat and Adrien still slightly pained the blue-haired girl. As Mari began walking back to the counter with her stuff, she bumped into someone, causing them both to fall down and drop their things.

"Oh no, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to, I'm so clumsy!" Marinette exclaimed, scrambling to pick up all the items and place them in their correct bags.

"Oh, th-that's quite alright.. It should have been me paying attention..!" Marinette was met with a soft voice, and she looked up at the girl she had bumped into. She was met with a pair of shy white eyes and long wavy white hair. Mari's eyes widened.

"R-Reine?" She said, staring at the girl in front of her. The girl quickly shook her head.

"O-oh no! I'm not Reine! But my name is close though! I'm René, Reine's cousin. People think we're twins because we look alike, and our names are sort of the same, but really we're pretty different. Reine is wild and outgoing, while I'm shy and quiet..." René explained, twirling a lock of snowy hair between her gloved fingers. Marinette nodded in understanding, then helped the girl stand up.

"Well then, it's nice to meet you René, and uh, sorry for bumping into you. Heheh.." The bluinette laughed nervously, scratching behind her head. After sorting out who's was who's, Mari and René made their way to the counter, where Alya was waiting.

"There you are gurl! I was waiting for you!" The blogger exclaimed, pulling Mari into a hug. Just then, she spotted René.

"Reine?" René shook her head.

"No.. Her cousin René. We do look alike though." Alya nodded, and looked back at Mari.

"Wow Mar, finding someone cool already?" Marinette felt her face flush red, and was unsure of whether she was blushing or if it was from the cold. Ok, she was blushing. It's warm in this mall. Alya chuckled and turned back to the shopkeeper.

"Well, let's buy our stuff. I see other people running for the sale."


After Marinette, Alya, and René made their way through the crowd of Ladybug fans, they stopped and sat down in a nearby café.

"So, René. You're here with your cousin?" The white haired girl nodded.

"Yeah, we moved to Paris with our families just recently. We'll be attending Collegé François DuPont after Christmas Break."

"Oh really? That's our school!" Mari smiled, bouncing in her seat. René smiled back.

"Oh? Well, that's great! It'll be fun to see friendly faces!" Alya smirked.

"Well, there's one face there not friendly. Beware of this girl named Chloé, she's evil incarnate!" All three girls giggled and talked more. About this and that, and about their lives. Soon, they left the mall with their things and headed home. Once Marinette got home, she greeted her parents and went up to her room. Placing her Chat Noir things away, she flopped into her chair. Tikki and Plagg flew over from the bed.

"So? How was it?" The ladybug kwami asked her holder.

"It was fun, and we met this girl named René, who's Reine's cousin! She's really shy, but still fun." Once again, a blush slowly crept onto Mari's face at the mention of René. (A/N: She still loves Adrien. But, someone else is starting to catch our little cookie's eye~ Maybe there will be romance between these two if you want but who knows back to da story.) Plagg raised an eyebrow.

"Marinette? You're blushing." Mari shook her head and covered her face.

"Sorry sorry! I don't know what's happening.. It's just, she's really pretty..."

(A/N: Bisexual Bae action lmao I'm so sorry) Mari sighed.

"It's been a long day. You should sleep Marinette. And you look really cold." Tikki giggled, looking at the blue haired girl shivering slightly. Marinette nodded, and crawled into bed.

"Ahhhh, warm covers~!" She sighed. With the two kwamis snuggling up next to her, she soon fell asleep.

Ahh, another chapter. This is probably just a filler chapter, and this story is meant to be sad. I don't have any ideas for sad yet, but soon my kittens, soon. Otherwise, I encourage you all to please keep reading my story, vote, and comment! It really helps, and encourages me! It lets me know you guys like what I'm writing and want to see more! So please, leave that vote and comment, and I'll see you guys later~! Adieu~!

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