Papillons Mauvais

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The two heroes sat on a roof, staring at the sunset. The sky was filled with beautiful oranges, pinks, and purples. Chat smiled as he looked over at Ladybug and poked her in the side.

"You really love the sunset don't you?" He chuckled. Ladybug, not looking back over at the cat hero, nodded.

"It's so beautiful.. The colors just plastered about the sky, like a pretty painting." She smiled. Chat looked back up at the sky as well.

"Well, I know something in this world that's even more beautiful than the sunset, and all the stars in the night sky." He smiled. Ladybug looked over at the cat curiously.

"And what would that be?" She questioned, eyebrow raising. Chat turned to her, green eyes locking onto her blue ones.

"You, my lady." Ladybug felt a blush rise to her cheeks, but she shook it off and pushed the boy in the chest, looking away with her eyes closed and giggling.

"Shut up you silly kitt-" Her words were stopped short as Ladybug looked back at her partner, only to see something she didn't want to. Chat had a wound in his chest, which was bleeding more and more by the second. His pupils were widened and took up almost all the green in his eyes. Blood was leaking from his mouth as he fell backwards. Suddenly, the world around them was all black. Ladybug quickly crawled over to her partner, placing her hands on his chest. She pulled back for a second when she felt the blood. The red fabric of her suit was now even darker red, with the blood that stained it. Ladybug sniffled, her eyes watering up.

"Chat? Chat!!" She screamed, shaking the boy. Chat looked over at her and smiled. He reached a hand up and placed it on her cheek. Ladybug buried her face closer into his hand, closing her eyes as the tears escaped them.

"It couldn't be helped.. My Lady.." He said, voice cracking. Ladybug looked back at him, and her breath caught in her throat. It was Adrien laying there, his green eyes listless. His hand was still on her face, and smile still on his. Ladybug's eyes teared up even more. She started to say something, but found she couldn't speak. Adrien disappeared into dust. Ladybug opened her mouth in a silent scream, and tried to grab the dust as it flew away. It was no use. Marinette sniffled and curled up into her knees, sobbing with no sound. Suddenly, there was an evil laugh resounding around the room. Marinette shot up, whipping her head around. She tried to locate the source, but all she could see was black and purple. Wait.. Black and purple? Marinette felt her breath hitch as she realized that she was surrounded by akumas. She tried to scream, but once again, she couldn't. The akumas began coming closer and closer, encasing her. Suddenly, she saw a figure walk through the black fluttering mess. Staring at it, she saw it was a boy with a hole in his chest, and akumas in his mouth and eyes. Gasping, she reached towards it, realizing who it was. She tried to call his name. She called out to the boy, as he continued to stare. Her voice wasn't heard. She tried again, shouting louder. The name broke through.

"Adrien!" Marinette screamed as she shot straight up in bed. Tikki and Plagg were startled by the sudden awakening, but had no time to do anything about it, because they shot under Mari's pillow to hide. The door to Marinette's room burst open as Tom and Sabine Cheng looked in.

"Marinette! Are you okay?!" Tom shouted, the second he opened the door.

"We heard you scream! Is everything al- Oh my gosh Marinette you're crying!" Sabine exclaimed, rushing over to her daughter's side immediately. Marinette looked over at her mother, tears staining her cheeks.

"Mother..." She whispered, shakily reaching up and touching the tears. Sabine gasped sharply, and hugged her daughter tightly. Tom came over as well and took both girls into his arms. Marinette shook and sobbed, and her parents comforted her until sunrise.

"Are you sure you want to go to school?" Sabine said, as she sat on Marinette's bed, watching her daughter slug around her room. Marinette nodded, pulling on a white shirt and jean shorts. She pulled on some black thigh high socks, and black military-like boots. Not bothering to brush her hair, she threw on a black and green beanie she had sewn with cat ears on top. Sabine nodded and told her daughter she was going downstairs with her father, who had left the room earlier to prepare for opening the bakery. Marinette nodded, and stood in front of her mirror, examining her messy hair. Sabine looked at her daughter again, before hesitantly leaving the room. Marinette sighed, and continued staring in the mirror. She had dark bags under her eyes, she must've not gotten much sleep. Tikki and Plagg flew out from the pillow, hovering near Marinette.

"You ready to go?" Tikki said, patting Mari's cheek. The bluinette nodded, and grabbed her school bag, as the two kwamis flew in. Marinette headed to her door, and as she opened it, she looked back at Adrien's ring on her desk. She sniffled, then left the room. Heading downstairs, she grabbed a bun from the counter.

"You won't eat breakfast?" Tom said, adjusting his apron. Marinette shook her head, chewing on the bun as she gloomily sat at the kitchen table. After finishing the bun, Marinette began to head out. But her dad stopped her. Smiling, he handed her a bag.

"Here. In case you do get hungry." He explained. Marinette looked at him and nodded, taking the bag and walking out the house.

Halfway to school, she opened the bag. It was filled to the brim with cookies, crossaints, and macaroons. She took out one of the cookies at the top, and chewed on it. Her parents baking was really good. Marinette placed the treats in her school bag, (where Tikki gradually ate one of the cookies) and ran the rest of the way to school. She ran into the school and into class just as the bell rang, and the teacher walked in. Sitting in her seat, she placed her school bag in her lap. The teacher started the lesson, and the students began to take down notes. Marinette stared out the window, getting lost in her own thoughts. Suddenly, Mylené screamed. Everyone looked out the window in the direction she was. A girl with a black magicians costume, and bunny ears and tail was floating in the air. She had a magic wand in her hand, and a top hat on her head. She was grinning, as her white hair whipped around her. Marinette sat up, staring intensely at her.

"An Akuma."

This chapter took me an hour to write, and I had to rewrite it. So pls enjoy.

Dearest Chat Noir..(Complete) #MLWattysAwardsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن