Josh And Colleen

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After trying unsuccessfully for two years to have a child, Josh and Colleen had decided to schedule a doctors appointment to see what the issue was. The 20 minute ride was torture for them.

Colleen's POV

I'm really nervous about this appointment. I'm just so scared that it's my fault that we can't have a baby. I don't want to be the reason that Josh can't have the kids he's always dreamed of having. "Babe?" I said. "Yeah?" "What if it's my fault?" I started to tear up as I said that. "Baby I don't care. We will have kids one way or another. Adoption is always an option if it comes down to that." Josh always knows what to say to me.

Josh's POV

I hate that Colleen thinks I'll be mad if she's infertile. Nothing in this world could make me love her any less. And that kind of scares me. I love her so much. The fact that's she's even worried about this breaks my heart.
When we got to the doctors office we waited a while. It was pretty quiet. The doctor showed up and we did some fertility tests. Eventually we got the results back. The doctor started talking. "Well, the tests have concluded that..."

Adopted. (A Joshleen story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon