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Colleen's POV

After breakfast we got in the car and started our short drive to the mall. "Momma?" I heard from the backseat. It still got me every time she called me that. "Yeah?" "Did the orphanage tell you my birthday?" That was weird. Her birthday was November 14th. Right now it was only October 25 so it wasn't all that soon. A few weeks I guess. "Yeah. November 14th. Why?" I asked. Still confused. "Oh. My other family never did anything for my birthday so I didn't really know when it was. I knew it was in November though." That broke my heart. We were going to have to do something incredible for her birthday this year. We finally got to the mall and I got Chloe from her car seat and carried her in. "Woah." Was her reaction to pretty much everything. We stopped at a bunch of kids' stores and she tried on a ton of clothes without a fight. "You ready for lunch?" I asked her after about the 10,000th store we went into. She nodded her head excitedly.

On the way to get lunch, a few girls stopped me and asked for a picture. I said "Sure!" And we took pictures and then they left.

Chloe's POV

On our way to get food, some girls came up to us screaming. It kind of scared me. They wanted to take pictures with us. I didn't know what was going on. After they left I cocked an eyebrow at momma. She just said "I'll tell you in a minute."

Colleen's POV

So when we got to the restaurant and were seated, I started trying to explain why those girls wanted pictures with me. "Okay Chlo. I'm gonna try to explain this but it might seem really weird. Okay?" I asked her. She nodded. I wanted to ease her into the idea of being part of a family that puts everything on the Internet. "Me and Daddy have really cool jobs. We get to make videos everyday to put on the Internet where everyone can see it. Those girls watch my videos and recognized me, so they wanted to take pictures." She was nodding but I could tell she was still confused. "So you're famous?" She asked me, clearly still trying to process it. "You could say that." Was my reply. Soon enough our waitress got to the table and took our orders. "I'll have the salad and a water, and she'll have chicken strips and a lemonade." She wrote it down on her notepad and walked away.

Chloe's POV

When momma said she was kind of famous, it didn't surprise me. I knew something was up when those girls came at us so excited to see her. But now I was curious. I wanted to see the videos she was talking about. "Can I watch some videos?" I asked. She thought for a second. "Well... Not all of them, but I'll show you a few." I was okay with that. Then our food came. It was really good, but we got kind of quiet since we were both shoving food in our faces.

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