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Chloe's POV

Ms. Lacy came to visit me today. Which wasn't all that uncommon, because she visited often. But there are a bunch of girls here so she didn't visit everyday. But today was different. She came in all giddy and said she had some good news. "A nice couple is coming to visit today. They want to adopt a little three year old girl! Isn't that great?" I just rolled my eyes at her excitement. She should know by now that I'll be here until I can leave on my own. In 15 years. "Chloe. Cheer up! This is your shot. I can feel it." I got off my bed then and hugged her tight. "I'm sorry Ms. Lacy, but I think I'm gonna be here a LONG time. You're stuck with me" she picked me up and looked me dead in the eyes. "Chloe Faith Lorenzo. You will be out of here before you know it. And for the record, I would love to be stuck with you." She kissed my nose then. I giggled and wormed my way out of her arms. "So when are they coming?" I asked. Trying to act like I cared. She checked her watch. "10 minutes. Get ready!" After that she walked out.

Josh's POV

Today was the day. We had been in the car for what seems like forever. It had been hours. I really hoped we could find some little girl to take home with us. When we got close I looked at Colleen." Are you ready?" I asked with my smile covering my whole face. She just burped really loud and said "Ready as I'll ever be." This is why I love her. We pulled into the parking lot of a big brick building. It looked like a hotel. We walked through the front doors. Hand in hand. When we met the woman Colleen had talked to.

Chloe's POV

After Ms. Lacy left I quickly changed from my pajamas to another outfit. The one I always wore when people came. A yellow sun dress and white sandals. This was my favorite outfit. It never brought me much luck in the past though. Oh well. Better than pajamas I guess. Five minutes later I heard a knock on my door.When I turned around I saw Ms. Lacy in my doorway. When she saw me she smiled. Happy to see that I was still trying to get adopted by dressing up. "They're here." She half whispered. I twisted my fingers and looked at my feet. "Don't be nervous Chlo. They'll love you. I promise." I loved when Ms. Lacy called me Chlo. Maybe one day a new mommy will call me that.

Colleen's POV

After we talked to Christy, she called for the girls to come down. One by one they all came down the staircase. 1,2,3,4,5. Each one beautiful. This was going to be difficult. "Wait. There's supposed to be six." I said. And as I said it another girl came down the staircase. Immediately I elbowed Joshua and said "Josh. I think it's her." He looked at me with a confused expression as if to say "You haven't even talked to them yet." But I knew. I just did. We talked to all the girls together first. I learned that their names were Kameryn, Lila, Sarah, Kate, Cara, and Chloe. They all seemed so desperate to get out of there. Except Chloe. She seemed pretty content. She didn't act like she didn't want to be adopted. Just as though she wouldn't mind if she wasn't adopted. I decided to talk to her separately.

Chloe's POV

The mommy and daddy took me to the den, away from the other girls. She said their names were Colleen and Joshua, but that I could call them whatever I wanted. "I just wanted to talk to you to see if you would be okay with us adopting you?" She said it like a question. Like I got to decide. "You what to adopt me?" They looked at me confused. "It's just that nobody ever wants to adopt me." I said looking at my feet. "Well we do." Joshua said. I was so happy I jumped up in the air and gave them a big hug with each of my arms around their necks. They started laughing as Joshua picked me up and brought me to the office where the kids who get adopted go. They each signed a couple papers and then they let me say my goodbyes. I just said bye to the other girls and gave Ms. Lacy the biggest hug I could. "I'll miss you Chlo." She said. I kissed her cheek and jumped into Colleen's arms as we walked out the front doors and drove off.

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