Cape Cod, Massachusetts, Memories III

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Cape Cod, MA, Summer 5 Years Ago

Santana blinked. She was fully aware of the body pressed against hers. What she wasn't aware of was how it had gotten to the point where Brittany was completely naked. She looked under the covers at herself and wondered how exactly Brittany was unclothed while she remained fully so. She racked her brain trying to remember what happened.

The first thing that she remembered was that staying "a few days" had somehow turned into "staying two weeks." They were well on their 12th day in Cape Cod. How Santana had let it go on for so long, she wasn't sure either. She remembered going into town everyday and exploring the street shops and visiting the pier. She remembered how one time Brittany clambered onto a wall and forgot how to come down. There were also trips to Boston and Cambridge and wandering for hours at a time.

She recalled those event-filled days and the quiet nights as they drove back to the house. Brittany was usually exhausted by the end of the day and would fall asleep in the car. Santana liked the drive home. When they got home, Santana usually gently shook Brittany awake and the blond would mumble something incoherent, march upstairs and fall asleep curled up on Santana.

But somehow the night previous was different. She tried to remember what had happened but only hazy images came to mind. Katie and Trisha had gone off to a friend's baby shower, leaving the two girls to themselves for a night. Like good teenagers, they snuck into the liquor cabinet and stole two bottles of wine.

Santana cooked that night but Brittany helped by cutting up vegetables for the side dish. The blond kept stealing glances over at Santana's concentrated face. While she was doing that, she forgot that she was still cutting things and nicked her hand.

"OW!" She yelped. Santana looked over to see Brittany clamping her mouth over the cut.

"B!" She exclaimed, putting the lid on the pan and rushing over.

"I'm ok." Brittany reassured, using her other hand to rummage through the drawers looking for band aids. When she found one, Santana took it and put it on.

"Be careful, ok?" Santana said.

"Do I get a kiss?" Brittany asked hopefully.

"I am not rewarding clumsy behaviour." Santana retorted, taking over the task of cutting the onion. Brittany smiled. This was definitely something she could get used to. She watched Santana carefully cut the onion into small chunks. The house was empty except for them, they were cooking dinner together and it was almost like they were...

Brittany shook her head and instead wrapped her arms around Santana's waist and pressed herself against the brunette's back.

"B!" Santana shouted in surprised. "Sharp implement!"

"This is nice, isn't it?" Brittany asked.

"What is?"

"This. You cooking, us having the house together. I like it."

"Yeah, yeah. B, knife!" Brittany let go. Santana rolled her eyes.

"You've been really touchy-feely lately. Are you hormonal?" Santana demanded. Brittany bit her lip. Her heart was pounding and she opened her mouth to say those three words.

"San, I..." Suddenly the smell of burning filled the room.

"Shit!" Santana cursed, running over to the fish still sitting in the frying pan. Brittany frowned and sat down at the table. It seemed like the world was conspiring against her. She wasn't sure if she'd ever be able to get the chance again.

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