San Francisco, California, Memories

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San Francisco, California, Memories

When they woke up the next morning, Santana had a hangover and Brittany was still groggy. Every bit of them hurt from sleeping on the lumpy couch.

"Goddamn it..." Santana groaned as she sat up.

"Morning girls." Nancy said, walking by. Sid followed, dressed in nothing but boxers and an oversized t-shirt. She also wore a smug look as she passed by the two girls, clearly still tangled in each other's embrace. She raised her eyebrow in a way that signified she knew just what kind of friends they really were.

"Sleep well?" She asked saucily. Santana responded with another groan and she buried her face into Brittany's back. Brittany smiled sleepily and nodded. "Well, you girls are welcome to have breakfast with us. Just be careful, I'm a horrible cook." She winked at the two of them and went into the kitchen. Santana looked over at Brittany who looked back and the two of them burst into giggles.

"Subtle, B." Santana whispered, giving her a quick peck on the lips.

"No making out on my couch." Nancy called out from the kitchen. The two of them burst into a fit of laughter, causing Brittany to fall off. Santana rolled down on top of her and Sid walked in.

"Ah, to be young again." She sighed. Nancy walked over and shook her head.

"Or my floor." She added. Santana got up first, helping Brittany to her feet. They sat down next to each other, only letting go of each other's hands when they started eating. After breakfast, Sid and Nancy drove them back to the hostel.

"You come back now, you hear? I really could use you!" Nancy shouted as they drove away. Santana waved at the two of them. They were an odd pair and Santana wasn't sure why she suddenly became okay with them overnight. But when Brittany kissed her right behind her ear, everything in the world made sense.

"They're cute." Santana said.

"Yeah, they are."

"Psh, whatever. They're not as cute as us." Santana sneered. Brittany beamed at her. This was entirely her doing. This entire "Santana is secretly a softie" was all the work of the girl standing next to her. And really, Santana didn't mind it.

"Alright, let's go before I turn normal." Santana huffed and the two of them checked out of the hostel and continued towards their destination.

They reached the southern tip of California later that day. Brittany was so excited when she saw the sign for the state. They got out of the car so that Brittany could run out into the water, beckoning Santana to join her. Santana looked around and noticed that there were no people on the beach. Obviously, Brittany did too as she whipped off her shirt and slipped out of her skirt.

"B!" Santana exclaimed, glancing back at the road. Brittany laughed, jumping right into the ocean.

"Oh, it's cold!" Brittany said, hopping right back out. "San! Come keep me warm!" Santana walked over to the water and let the waves lap at her sandals. Brittany rushed over and before Santana could run, gave her a big hug. Santana sputtered and tried to break free.

"You'll get me wet!" Santana exclaimed. Brittany answered with an open mouth kiss and Santana could taste the ocean on her lips and tongue. She brought her hands up to tangle in Brittany's soaked hair. Brittany broke the kiss and searched her eyes. Her hands wandered down to the hem of Santana's shirt and began tugging it up. Santana caught her hands.

"What are you doing?" She hissed.

"Shh..." Brittany said, kissing her again. Santana didn't relax but she removed her hands and let Brittany take her shirt off. Brittany paused and gazed into Santana's scared brown eyes. Santana stared right back. Brittany's were full of confidence and security but it made Santana feel so small in comparison. The blonde's hands trailed down Santana's body along her stomach and rested on Santana's shorts. Her fingers brushed the buttons and began undoing them one by one. Brittany didn't break eye contact. Santana went to glance behind her to see if anyone was looking but Brittany seized the sides of her face and pulled her back.

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