Upstate New York, Memories

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Upstate New York, Summer 5 Years Ago

"God damn it!" Santana yelled, getting out of the car. She popped the hood and made her way over to the engine. "Piece of junk!" She kicked the tire angrily and tried to wave the smoke away. Brittany stayed in the car, her arms folded.

"Damn it, damn it, damn it!" Santana wasn't even sure what she was looking for in all the cables and metal. Nothing was on fire but there was the horrible smell of gas. Brittany watched as she fumbled with her cell phone.

"Seriously? Seriously, you have got to be kidding me. My battery's dead." She tossed the phone back into the car. "B, let me use yours."

"Mine is dead too." Brittany replied coldly. Santana groaned and flopped down against the car.

"Stupid..." She muttered. Brittany got out of the passenger seat and took a look at the parts.

"It looks like one of the cables exploded, possibly your fuel line too." Brittany explained. Santana looked up at her in surprise.

"Where did that come from?"

"When Kurt and I were dating, he would take forever to put on makeup so his dad showed me how to fix up cars in the meantime." Brittany replied. Santana scoffed at the thought.

"You and Kurt did not date." She sneered.

"Yeah we did. Remember?" Brittany insisted.

"B, you were Kurt's beard. You know that he was only fake dating you right?"

"Well, at least he fake dated me instead of not dating me at all." Brittany shot back. Santana winced and stood up. Brittany started marching up the street back the way they came.

"B, where are you going?" Santana demanded.

"I'm going to that motel we saw earlier."

"B, that was at least ten miles back!" The blond ignored her and kept walking. Santana stuck her hands in her pockets and followed Brittany in silence. They reached the motel sometime around ten. It was in horrible disrepair. The neon sign had a few lights missing, the paint on the side of the walls was chipping and the window AC units rattle horribly. Santana felt like it couldn't be sanitary to sleep there.

"B, we might catch some horrible disease here." She warned but Brittany had already walked in. Santana chased after her.

"Hi." Brittany said to the boy at the front desk. She flashed him a bright smile. "Do you have any rooms open?" The boy had to be no more than 16 and from the looks of his acne covered face, was just in the throes of puberty. He couldn't help but stare at the beautiful girl standing in front of him.

"Uh... sure." He replied dumbly, glancing from Brittany's chest to her face. Santana fought the urge to sock him in the jaw.

"Can we get a room? Separate beds, please." So Brittany wasn't going to insist on separate rooms but they certainly weren't sleeping together.

"Do you know if there's an auto mechanic around here?" Brittany asked. The boy thought about the question.

"Well, there is one but he's an hour away. Did your car break down?"

"Yeah, about ten miles down the road." Santana cut in. The boy thought again.

"Well, if you want, I can call my uncle. He only lives about half an hour away and he knows a little bit about cars. I can call him tomorrow morning if you want." Brittany smiled at him again and he turned bright red.

"Thanks! You're sweet." Brittany said. The boy took down Brittany's information, even going the extra step to ask for her phone number despite the fact that her phone was dead. Brittany gave it to him and Santana gave him a death glare. He smiled nervously at Santana and handed the keys over. Brittany snatched them from the counter and walked swiftly up the stairs.

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