Upstate New York, Memories III

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Upstate New York, Summer III

Technically, Santana and Brittany didn't leave until the next day. They spent their last day on the farm exploring the vast landscape. Janice packed them a picnic lunch, telling the two to go have fun while she stayed home with the new baby. Brittany took Santana's hand as they left the house and Santana didn't even care who saw. She wondered if it was possible to die from happiness. The two walked about a couple of miles away, climbed hills, chased birds and took in the scenery. Neither could've asked for a more beautiful day. The sky was crystal clear with only trace clouds in the sky. When it got to be around noon, with the sun high above them, they sat in the shade of nearby trees and opened up the basket. Janice packed the two of them chicken salad sandwiches, some strawberries and grapes as well as two bottles of homemade lemonade. They ate with smiles, glancing at one another as if it were the first time they'd ever really looked at each other. Brittany had some bread crumbs on the side of her face and Santana reached over to brush them away. Brittany didn't know what was going on and kissed the tips of her fingers as they wandered close. Santana laughed and the blond wasn't sure if she had ever heard anything quite so melodious.

"B, I'm trying to clean your face." Santana said, trying again. This time Brittany bit gently on her fingers, flicking her tongue across the pads. Santana laughed again and leaned into kiss her. She put her hands on either side of Brittany's face, taking the opportunity to brush the crumbs off while the blond was distracted. When they parted, Brittany grabbed the lemonade and took a swig. As soon as she swallowed, she grabbed a grape and put it up against Santana's lips. Santana looked Brittany in the eye and took the fruit into her mouth as well as Brittany's fingers. Brittany's breath caught in her throat as she felt Santana lick her fingers clean. She pulled away, suddenly shy. Santana looked on smugly and Brittany noticed her expression. She stuck out her tongue.

"Careful, someone might bite it off." Santana warned. Brittany leaned over quickly and kissed her hard, all but shoving her down onto the grass. When she pulled away, it was Santana's turn to be flustered. She opened her mouth to say something but all that came out was the most adorable little squeak. Brittany burst into laughter, covering her mouth with one hand.

"Sh-shut up." Santana demanded, sitting up straight. "You surprised me, that's all."

"I love you so much." Brittany said, scooting over and resting a hand on her thigh. Santana "humphed" and folded her arms, turning away. Brittany seized this opportunity to nibble at her exposed ear, sending chills up Santana's spine.

"Oh you are so asking for it." Santana stood up, pulling Brittany with her. She slammed Brittany against the nearest tree and Brittany gasped in both pain and surprise as the bark scraped her back. Santana sucked hard on her neck and the blonde's grip on her shoulders tightened.

"San..." She moaned. Santana raised an eyebrow and pulled away.

"That's all you're getting." She said, taking a step back. When she saw the damage she had done on Brittany's pale skin in a very visible area, she grinned. "I do good work."

"Hey!" Brittany exclaimed, clasping a hand over her neck. "What if Janice sees?"

"You got mauled by a squirrel." Santana replied, gathering up the remaining food. Brittany huffed.

"You're just lucky you don't bruise as easily." She pouted.

"You'll get it one day." Santana said.

"Stop eating so much iron! Then I'll get it!" Brittany retorted.

"Uh huh, sure." Santana said. By now the basket was packed and she stuck out her hand for the other girl to take. Brittany pouted but slipped her hand into Santana's. The two walked up the next hill and sat down on top of it. Brittany leaned her head against Santana's shoulder.

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