Here comes little sis

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Tooth's POV

I woke up it's the first day of my senior year. Also the day my sister comes to my high school. Last year we moved but it was the middle of the school year. So i chose to leave but Elsa wanted to finish her sophomore year there and stay for the summer so she did and she should be getting driven to the school by our parents right now because her plane just landed. Not to long ago I'm already to so i walked to school. I saw my brother not my real brother but he's like my brother. Jack i have a boyfriend already his name is Aster . I went to Jack and gave him a hug.

Jack: hey Tooth

Tooth; hey Jack where's Aster

Jack: he's getting the others

Tooth: oh ok

The others are Sandy and North  ( sandy is a girl). Then me and were talking until i heard a familiar voice.

Elsa: Toothina I'm here

Then I saw Elsa down the hall and she looked so different a good different.

Then I saw Elsa down the hall and she looked so different a good different

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She ran to me and jumped in my arms

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She ran to me and jumped in my arms. I hugged her i miss my little sister. Jack was staring at her and had his mouth open a little.

Jack; who's this

Tooth: my little sister Elsa

Jack: how old are you

Elsa: 15 you

She smiled a pearly white smile. And batted her eyelashes twice. When did she learn how to flirt.

Jack: 17

She looked a little upset she probably thought he was cute. I know Jack thought she was cute. She is pretty grown looking for a 15 year old. But she then went back to smiling. Then the others came and Aster kissed my cheek. Elsa squealed and stomped her feet on the ground.

Elsa: what's your name

Aster: Aster

Elsa: Asthina

Aster: what

Elsa: Aster × Toothina = Asthina duh * giggles *

Jack: adorable

Elsa she looked at Jack and he winked at her. She returned it by biting her lip. My sister is a boss at flirting she knows the code.

Aster: who is she

Tooth: my little sister and she's 15

Aster: Jack bro she off limits she's Tooth little sis and she's 2 years younger

Elsa: what does that supposed to mean age ain't nothing but a number besides Tooth is a cool big sis

Tooth: you know it

Then we fist bump then they laughed at us.

Aster: i see she has sass

Tooth: that's Elsa for you

Then there was a kid walking and bumped into Elsa and Jack caught. She looked at the kid and it was Hiccup he is a junior and his papers were all over the floor. Elsa helped him pick them up.

Elsa: here you go

Hic: thx I'm Hiccup

Elsa: your welcome I'm Elsa nice to meet you

Hic: you too you remind me of my sister but she died

Elsa thought for a while then she made the face she does when she has a idea.

Elsa: i can be your sister

Hic: really

Elsa: sure so are you my older or little bro

Hic: younger

Elsa: ok well see you later little bro

Hic: later

Elsa: i have a brother now

Tooth: me too

Elsa: ohhh who

Tooth: Jack

Elsa: uh him* points to Jack *

Tooth: yeah

Elsa: nice

Then the bell rang and Elsa pouted because she didn't have the same classes.

Jack: so cute

Elsa: awwww I have to leave you guys i like you guys

Tooth: don't worry we'll see you at lunch

Elsa: kk bye guys

Then she walked away with a little sway in her hips. Jack was staring i  lightly hit him.

Tooth: so you crushin on my little sister

Jack: yeah a little

Tooth: go for it but if you hurt her your dead

Jack: ok

( lunch)

It was lunch for everyone in the high school. I saw Elsa with 3 girls and 3 boys. They were walking towards the door. We could choose to leave school.

Tooth: hey Elsie where you going

Elsa: to Starbucks wanna come you guys can come to

Tooth: sure what do you say guys

Jack: I'm in ( looks at Elsa and bites his lip)

Elsa: great  ( winks )

Then we all walked to Starbucks it wasn't that far away. We went in and ordered our stuff . Jack wanted Elsa to sit with him so he took her to a table for two. The rest of the group sat together and secretly listened to their conversation.

Jack: so let's go over the basics so fav color, animal, food, season, birthday, singer, movie, phone  number

Elsa: i don't know, anything related to dogs or wolves, spaghetti, i don't know, November 16th, Ariana Grande or Jasmine Thompson, Hunger games or Twilight maybe Morgan, i don't remember phone number being apart of the basics but I'll give it to you anyway  ( gives him her number) your turn

Jack: pretty much the same except my birthday is August 2nd

Elsa: so i guess we have a lot in common

Jack: yeah

Elsa: so any siblings

Jack: i have a little sister

Elsa: oh how old

Jack: 8 she's adorable

Elsa: maybe i could meet her one day

Jack: yeah actually you can this weekend i was having a sleep over at mine you can come with your sister

Elsa: sure can my friends come too

Jack: sure whatever you want

Then they talked about other stuff he was making her laugh. She was making him laugh. I could tell something had blossomed between them.

( after school)

Me and Elsa walked home we went in . Elsa went to her room to check it out. I heard a squeal i knew she love it. I went to her room and saw her on her bed. We then did our homework. Our parents cooked Elsa's favorite food. After dinner Elsa went straight to bed.

Age Ain't Nothing But A Number Where stories live. Discover now