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( 2 months)

I still didn't tell anyone because I want Jack to be the first to know besides me. I've been going to school but I would have to eat the calming food that makes me not throw up. Anyway Jack is supposed to be coming up here. With his parents which is great so  he can tell his parents right away. So I'm at the park waiting for Jack to get here. He finally came i hugged him and he kissed my cheek.

Elsa: Jack i have something important to tell you

Jack: what

Elsa: I'm pregnant

Jack: for real

Elsa: yeah

Jack: I'm sorry i ruined your life

Elsa: no you didn't

Jack: so do your parents know

Elsa: no so you tell your parents and I'll tell mine i don't want you to come with me because I don't know how they'll react

Jack: ok

Then I went home and i went to Tooth's room I'm going to tell her before my parents.

Tooth; hey Elsa

Elsa: hi i need to tell you something

Tooth: what

Elsa: I'm pregnant

Tooth: what really

Elsa: yeah

Tooth: congrats

Elsa: your not mad

Tooth: no who's the father

Elsa: who else

Tooth: oh Jack but the last time he was here Valentine's day you guys had a moment and led to that

Elsa: yeah

Tooth: you tell mom and Dad

Elsa: no I'm about to

Tooth: i got your back

Elsa: thx

Then we both went downstairs and I sat on the couch. My parents were on the other couch.

Elsa: Hi Mom and Dad

Mom: hi sweetie

Dad: hi darling

Elsa: i have something very important to tell you

Mom: what

Elsa: I-im pregnant

Mom: what you have to be joking

Elsa  ( looks down ) I'm not

Mom: how could you my little girl

Dad: how far along are you

At that moment I had a little faith that they'll be supportive.

Elsa; 2 months

Dad: good there's still time to get an abortion

I can't believe what i just heard. Tooth gasped. I went from nervous to hurt and angry.

Elsa: how dare you say that to me I'm not aborting my baby

Dad: well then we don't want nothing to do with the child

Mom: your a disgrace to this family

Dad: i want you out of this house by sun set because no daughter of mine is going to have a kid at 17

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