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Jack's POV

( January)

Me , Elsa, and Jessica were at Starbucks. We're going to be married in the summer when our friends can come to California. Also that we have enough time to plan. This woman was staring at us and it was kind of disturbing but I shrugged it off. Then she got up and came towards us. When she did i realized she was a well known directer and movie producer Snow white.

Snow white; you two are just so perfect looking and you have a adorable baby

Elsa: thank you

Jack: thx

Snow white: I'm Snow white and you two look perfect for the two lead roles in my new movie called Frozen guardians it's already written i just need actors so how about you stop by my studio to addition

Elsa: sure thx

Then she gave us her card and she left. Then we left to Tooth's house. She's 2 and a half months pregnant now. Aster should be at work right now and Tooth just got back from school for today. Me and Elsa are still doing our online.

Elsa: Tooth you wouldn't believe what happened at Starbucks

Tooth: what happened

Elsa: Snow white asked us to addition for her new movie that's called Frozen guardians

Tooth: cool your dream of being an actress might come true

Elsa: yeah

Jack : do you want to go tomorrow

Elsa: yeah

Tooth: I'll watch Jessica for you tomorrow it's a Saturday

Elsa: thx

Tooth: what time you wanna bring her over

Elsa: 10:30, 11:00 at the latest

Tooth: ok I'll be waiting

Then we decided to go home and pick out what to wear. We ate dinner and put Jessica to sleep. Then went to bed our selves.

( Next Morning)

Elsa's POV

I woke up early and i woke up Jack. We took a shower and then got dressed.

 We took a shower and then got dressed

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Then we ate breakfast and I fed Jessica

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Then we ate breakfast and I fed Jessica. Then got her dressed in a cute little outfit.

Then we put her in her car seat and put her in the car

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Then we put her in her car seat and put her in the car. We packed her diaper bag for Tooth. We drove to Tooth's house. I went in with Jessica and I set Jessica next to Tooth.

Elsa: bye bye Jessica Mommy will be back soon ok * kisses her forehead *

Then she giggled and it was so adorable. Then I said bye to Tooth and went back to the car. Jack then drove to the studio where  she said to meet. We went in and there was a lady at the front desk.

Lady: hello who and what are you here for

Elsa: to see Ms Snow white for a addition

Lady: ok I'll call you when she's ready

( 10 minutes later)

Lady: she's ready for you 1st door to your left on the 1st floor

Elsa: thank you

Then me and Jack went to the elevator. To the 1st we went into the first door to the left . We sat down and she turned around and smiled.

Snow white: oh hello how about you introduce yourself name, age, other important info like sizes

Elsa: Elsa Carter ,I'm 18 and ,I'm his fiancee , dress size 3, shirt size medium, pants/ skirt size 6 , shoes 6

Snow white: nice name

Elsa: thx

Jack; Jack Frost, I'm 20, her fiancee, shirt size medium, pants 5, suits medium , shoes 8 * don't really know about boy sizes*

Snow white: ok so i need you to read this script with the emotion written

Then she gave us scripts and we had to do a love scene. Which will be easy so we did and at the end. Snow white clapped and she was smiling real big.

Snow white: that was outstanding you two definitely got the part i found the  other actors except the two lead roles but they belong to you now here's a practice schedule try to come everytime we are going to be filming a lot each day we're trying to get get this movie out by the summer

Elsa: ok will do

Jack: what about Jessica

Snow white: who's that

Elsa: our daughter

Snow white: she can come we need a baby in the movie

Elsa: ok thank you

Jack: thank you

Snow white: welcome bye bye

Elsa: bye

Jack: bye

Then we left to Tooth's house . We stayed for a little bit. Then went to Jack's house. I put Jessica down for a nap. We then took one ourselves .

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