Cliffhangers on Season Finales

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I hate it when TV shows give you that last part of the season finale that is a really big cliffhanger and then you have to wait like another 6 months for the new season to come out.

I know it's there to make sure the viewers watch the next season but don't do that and then have us fangirls wait for half a bloody YEAR!

And it's usually something that is so dramatic/confusing/interesting that you really want to watch but you cant😑

Tvd does this on every single finale and it's so annoying!

Does anyone remember when Katherine first came into tvd and then suffocated Caroline? This is a prime example. Everybody thought Caroline was dead and then remembered she had vampire blood in her system. So that left the viewers wondering and wanting to ask so many questions.

How was she going to cope with being a VAMPIRE?
What would her mum think?
Would she be like Damon#2?

Its so frustrating. It would be different if they came back in like 2 months or something but they take forever to come back which annoys me a lot.

So thanks you Julie plec for being a little bitch again!

Okay rant over! Feel free to vote/comment and don't be a silent reader!-KolvinaIsBae

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Okay rant over! Feel free to vote/comment and don't be a silent reader!

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