♤A-Z Tag♤

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So I was nominated by VoidMikealson, meertje1000 and starbursed to to this tag.

Rules for the tag:

☆ From A-Z you must say something about yourself, your personality, or what you like for each letter and explain your answer
☆ You answer must begin with the letter
☆ After you have finished, you must nominate 10 other people!

Okay, let's do this! :)

A- Apples, I love to eat apples

B- Bitch, I'm basically a bitch :) #sorrynotsorry

C- Colour, I love colour........?

D- DICK, jk I mean Delena because they one of my fav ships

E- Eating, I love eating and food.......This tag is making me look so sad rn lmao

F- Food, ..............duh

G- Girlfriends, but not in a gay way #straightasaruler

H- Hot boys, well obvi ^^^

I- I don't know, literally. Story of my life........

J- Juice, I love juice

K- Kolvina, another one of my favs, that's why it's my username

L- My real name, Leah

M- MUSIC, Because who doesn't like music? Am I RIGHT? (I'm right)

N- Nutella, It's nutella........that's all that needs to be said ;)

O- Oreos, why is every letter just food, like what is wrong with me? Don't answer that

P- People, jk I hate so many #livingthatantisociallifetho

Q-  Quirky, because I like people and things that are different :)

R- Rap Music, This is my latest obsession and @Roll is such a bitch

S- Stefan, Scott and Stiles because they hot as F*CK

T- Teen wolf, it's my fav show ever VoidMikealson Teen wolf Wednesdays ;)

U- Uniform, I hate my uniform so much

V- VoidMikealson duh bish

W- Winchester Brothers, because they are such a good bromance

X- x-rays, I've had a lot of them

Y- you awesome

Z- zero, is the number of shits I give

Slow clap of appreciation for that burn ................... lmao

I'm going to be honest, some of these I just made up because I have nothing else to say, like X for example.........lol

My nominations are:

Feel free to vote/comment if you want

-KolvinaIsBae xx

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