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Im not going to wrtie a big page about how good the year was becuase to be brutally honest, this year was fucking shit 😂

Like seriously, Donald Trump won the election therefore the end of the world is coming, just kidding 😂 (Well I hope not)

And bae who has been bae for 9 years -afterlives moved to another continent and left me with the dick heads of my school which are fucking hard to put up with.

Literally EVERYONE is dying. Like in the past six days I think 4 or 5 different famous people have passed away and its fucking creepy. #Harambewasaninsidejob

And of course the death of vine, which nobody gave a fuck about anyway, to be honest😂 but people still lost their jobs so kinda sucks for them.

Of course all of the isis attacks, and all of the bombing going on in syria, where little children are getting killed and/or watching loved ones die.

Teen wolf, the vampire diaries, soon the originals and heck, even fucking pretty little liars are all ending. The point is, everything is going to shit so just keep smiling through the pain ☺🙃

But at the end of the day, we are all still lucky to be alive and healthy, because a huge percentage of children in this world have neither.

So my New Year's Resolution isnt going to be 'get good grades' or 'lose weight'or some shit. Mine is to still be alive for the next new year.

Bye my Sexy Biatches, hope your year wasn't as shit as mine 🙂💜💜

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2017 ⏰

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