Chapter 1 - Inroduction

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(I started this story during my free-time on the weekend, I hope you enjoy this story. I didn't come up with the idea of the story in the first place, anyways enjoy :D)

Hello, my name is Larissa. I have dirty blond hair, blue eyes, and I like to wear black jeans, a black tank top with knee length boots and a charm necklace.

First of I am not your normal sixteen year old. I live in an orphanage with a ton of other children that lost there parents or there parents didn't want them anymore. I usually don't talk to anyone, I'm to shy. Anyway, this may seem weird, but I'm a gammer, I love Disonered, black ops, Assasines Creed, Minecraft, and a lot more shizzle. You may be asking, oh, but boys like gaming, you should hang out with them. Well, usually guys arn't that nice to me, and when they are I take it the wrong way. 

Anyways lets get of this boring topic and start the for heaven saken story.

 Larissa's POV. 

I was walking down the corridors ignoring all the glances I got, I made my way to the canteen and got lunch, then sat down alone.

When I was finished, I made my way back to my room avoiding all the glances. I've been here for more than thirteen years and they still treat me like a bag of dirt, when I got to my room I sat down on my bed and took out my iPod and earphones the orphanage had given me and got out my drawing book. I played 'a thousand years' on it and began to draw a manga character. 

About thirty minutes later I was done and decided to play some minecraft on my laptop the orphanage also gave me. 

I log into my account GG#_GirlGammer. I decided to record me making some of my buildings. 

Yes, I have a YouTube called GG Girl Gamer and I just hit one million subs, yay me!!! I don't usually do the games by myself but with my room mate Joey, or JoJo, as I like to call her. She was my only friend and we are like sisters, inseparable. Here YouTube name is JoJoDisaster, because she fails in every game we ever play. 

Anyway after recording my video and editing it on fraps, I downloaded it and decide to look through the interweb. I decided to check out some team crafted videos and some builds from yogscast Sjin. He was amazing, the best builder I've ever seen, that's for sure. After I was done watching some videos I went on my video to check out the comments.

I already had 100 views and people saying I was better than yogscast Sjin, the same thing happened when I drew a corgi and posted it with everyone saying I was better than Tutron. They also said I had a strong sweetish accent like Rythian, I actually looked alot like him but none of my viewers have seen me before. After looking at all the comments I checked my email to see I was almost at two million subs so I decided I would sing for the first time on my channel and actually show my face. I scrolled through the messeges until I got to a very interesting one, I opened it and it read,

Dear GG GamerGirl,

We would like to invite you to the yogscast family. You seem like a fine eighteen year old that would be perfect including your recent comments on your videos about us. If you decide to join, then tell us and we will send you plan tickets from Sweeden, an apartment and your own office at the Yogstowers.

-Lewis Bringly of the Yogscast.

I read through the whole note carfully, 'I really need to make a Q&A I thought to myself before replying,

Dear Lewis of the yogscast, 

Thank you for the offer but I'm going to have to decline. I am not eighteen, I'm actually sixteen and very mature for my age, I actually live in Bristol, not Sweeden even though I'm from there. Plus I can't really leave my 'home' until I'm eighteen.

-GG GamerGirl of the future

I almost instantly got a reply back saying sorry. 

I signed out of my email and instantly fell asleep.

I woke up the next morning to JoJo running around like a chicken with it's head cut off. "what the hell are you doing JoJo!!" I yelled loud enough for the whole world to hear. "Adoption in ten minutes" she said out of breath and I laughed. "Come on JoJo, why didn't you wake me up to?" I said giving her the evil eye. "OWwwww, It burns right through me!" she said dramatically while I laughed my head off while getting changed. 

We made our way to the lobby laughing our heads off and immediately went silent when we got there and went to the back of the adoption line where the older kids stood. Me and JoJo being the oldest and the only sixteen year olds sat in the back while I took out my drawing notebook and drew a pikatu, about ten minutes later there was a shadow over me. I looked up to see a couple about the age of twenty, the women had soft blond hair in a bun with a tank top and jeans while the man had a woolly sweeter and jeans. They were looking at my pikatu so I hid it and said, "sorry I'm not the best drawer here, Vivi does the best finger art of the whole orphanage." they both laughed and went down to JoJo who they talked to for a small bit before the man started talking to the head of the orphanage, Mr. Pine while the girl headed straight to me. "hey again, whats your name sweety?" I smiled and said, "Oh my name is Larissa but you can call me GG." she smile and told me, "you drew a very nice pikatu, can I see some other drawings?" I hesitated but said yes after, she seemed very sweet. After she looked through the sketch book I asked her what her name was, "oh I'm sorry I'm Anya but you can call me Mintey, and my fiancé over there is Paul, but you can call him Sjin." "Alright" I replied. They sounded and looked so familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it.

(Hope you enjoy!!! Slap that rate button with your fist and remeber to comment after the BEEP, BEEEEEEPPPPPP!!!!! Hope you enjoyed!!!)

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