Chapter 8 - Unknown Problems...

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(Sowwy I havn't written anything for dis shiz for awhile, but I couldn't come up with anything :P Well, now I have so yay!!! I guess.... So I won't bother you anymore, and READ!!! xD)  

Larissa's POV

I wake up to a knock on my door, “Huh, oh, come in!” I yell as I get up out of my bed and walk over to my closet. “Come on, its Saturday and we have to be at Yogstowers!” yelled mum as he creaked the door open. “Okay!” I yell back and change into my pokemon tee-shirt with dark blue jeans and white converse.  I run down the stairs and into the kitchen to where mum is cooking breakfast and Rythian and Sjin are chatting. “Um, hey!” I say as I sat down at the edge of the table. Sjin and Rythian both look at me worried when Sjin asks, “Why did you run off yesterday?” he says in a soft tone. “Umm, no reason….” I say looking down and start eating. When I was finished I walked up to the kitchen and started cleaning the dishes. When I heard someone walk up behind me, “Tell me why you ran off last night?” I turned around to face Rythian. “Ryth, remember when mum died…” I trailed off. He looked at me and his face paled, “Oh Larissa, I forgot…” he said trailing off and hugged me. “It’s okay, we haven’t seen each other for a long time, I wouldn’t have remembered that my birthday was on the death of mum,” I said faking a smile. “Just tell me if somethings wrong, I’m your big brother and I’m always here for you,” he said smiling and I nodded my head as he left.  We left the house to Yogstowers and I went straight to my office, “hmm, what should I do today?” I asked myself looking through the latest comments. Just then there was a knock on the door, I got up and opened it to see, Sparkles…  

(Wonder what Sparkles wants.... I fudging love Cliffhangers :3 Anyways, Slap that Vote button with your fist and comment after the BEEP, BEEEEPPPPPPPP!!! Hope you enjoyed, BYEEEEEEEE!!!!)

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