Chapter 2 - Questions?

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(More storryyy!!! Yay!!! Hope you enjoyed the last chapper, now enjoy this chapter :D)

Lewis's POV

I had messaged GG about joining the Yogscast because everyone agreed she would make a great addition to the yogscast family with all those talents. Sadly she declined, but with a very weird rejection, I know she is sixteen, but Toby is too. She also said she couldn't leave the 'house' until she was eighteen. I kept thinking until I was interrupted by a knock on the door, I said, "come in!" 

Sjin and Anya walked in and told me that they planned on adopting someone at the orphanage nearby. I said, "that's a great idea, you two need a child!" with a smile on my face as they left, oh well, I need to do some research on GG and I was going to ask Rythian to help.

Rythians POV

I was in my apartment in Sweeden when I suddenly got a Skype call. "Hello?" I said as I picked it up. "hey Ryth, it's me Lewis, I was wondering if you know anything about GG_GammerGirl because she's a Sweedish gammer but left about sixteen years ago, I think." I thought back to what happened thirteen years ago. Me and my sister Larissa lost our parents and got into separate foster homes. "I told Lewis about my sister and how we lost our parents and went to seperate orphanages. He nodded and left skype. I wondered why he asked me, sure she was Sweedish but how would I know, there are alot of Sweedish gamers all over the world, it made me confused and I don't like being confused.

Anya's POV

Me and Paul went and told Lewis about adopting a kid and he agreed saying it was a good idea. We went to the closes orphanage to YogTowers and our apartment and asked what time adoption hours are, he said tomorrow at ten so we said goodbye and went to bed early. 

The next morning we got up and drove over to the orphanage. When we entered the was a line of boys and girls, youngest in the front and oldest near the back. None of the kids really interested me, they were all to girly for my tastes until we got to a girl who was drawing something in a sketch book while sitting on the floor. I smiled at Paul when we saw an amazing pikatu drawing. She looked up, her facial features were somewhat like Rythians but her hair was blond and her eyes were the most magnificent blue. Then she said in a beautiful Sweedish accent, "I'm sorry, I'm not the best drawer here." she paused then said, "Vivi does the best finger art of the whole orphanage." We both laughed at her amazing humor which I recognized from somewhere, then went to the last girl who said that the girl next to her and her are friends. Me and Paul discussed all the possible girls and boys and we went with the one with good humor. Paul went over to talk to the head while I walked over to the girl to learn more about her. "Hey again, what's your name sweetie?" I said in my sweetest voice. "Oh my name is Larissa but you can call me GG," she said in a soft but kind voice. GG, where have I heard that before I thought before saying, "you drew a very nice pikatu, can I see some other drawings?" She hesitated a bit before giving me her sketch book, before I opened it and looked through it, she was better then trutron, then I released I hadn't told her our names. "oh I'm sorry I'm Anya but you can call me Mintey, and my fiancé over there is Paul, but you can call him Sjin." I said a bit to quickly. "Alright" She replied kindly. 

(Hope you enjoyed this chapter, if you did, and i hope you did... Please slap that rate button with your fist and remember to comment after the BEEP, BEEEEEEPPPPPPPPP!!!!! Thanks for reading! :D)

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