Chapter 4 - Fast Learner?

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(Ohhh, another chappie, Surprize!!!! Hope you enjoy this chappie and the one before dis!!!)

Lewis's POV

I stayed up till 10:00 before calling it a night. I went back to my apartment when I got a call, I answered it when I heard a Swedish accent at the other side of the phone, "Hello Rythian, why are you calling at 10:00pm at night?" It took him a minute to answer, "Ya, I don't have a place to stay tonight, I just arrived from Sweden." "Why don't you just book a hotel?" I asked tiredly. "Because there all full" he complained causing me to sigh. "Have you asked anyone beside me because I don't have a guest bed room." I said yawning. "I haven't called Sjin and Mintey yet..." he said questionably. "Well then you'll be the first to meet there daughter," I said satisfied with my answer. "They got a daughter? Okay, I'll ask them, but if they say no, I'm sleeping on your couch." he said seriously. "Fine," I said as I hung up. I lay down in bed and doze off into a dreamless sleep. 

Rythians POV

I can't find a place to stay, I've called everyone except for Sjin who perposevly has a new daughter. Well better call them up. I taped in the number on my phone and waited a minute before he answered. "Hello?" he asked. "Hey, it's Rythian, I got in late and I need a place to stay. Do you have any room?" "Yup, I have my guest room, but Larissa might be a bit scared when she wakes up." he said trailing off in the end. "Larissa?" I asked in confusion. "Oh sorry, Larissa is my new daughter, she's Swedish like you so you two will get along nicely." he said happily. "Okay, I'll be over in a minute," I said as I hung up.

I wondered what Larissa might look like as I got into the taxi that brought me to there apartment. 

When I hot there I payed the driver and rung the door bell. Minty answered while saying,"Hi Rythian, Larissa is asleep but you can meet her in the morning." I said thanks and she lead me to the guest room where I laid down and fell asleep.

 Larissa's POV

I woke up at five in the morning and went down to make some breakfast, I made some eggs, toast, and bacon! I eat and put the rest for everyone else in the fridge and put a note saying 'breakfasts in fridge, knock before you enter room, luv Larissa' and I went back up to my room.

When I got in my room I got on my laptop from the orphanage and started up my building world. I built a witch of the west Castel and when I was done building, recording, and uplifting it was eight. I decided to see if JoJo was up so I went onto Skype and sure enough she was. We talked for hours about random stuff then I told her I was working on some lyrics for a new parody, I wouldn't be singing it though, I never sing in front of people cause I think I suck and sound like a dying cat on Mars. I hung up when there was a knock on the door, "come in!" I yelled as the door opened. I turned around to see dad with some other man. "Hello, and you are I said gesturing to the man next to dad that resembled me weirdly. "I'm Rythian" he said unsurley, "Nice to meet you mate, are you from down under?" I said in my aulstralian accent which I caught from JoJo causing me to go in fits of laughter from the face they made. I wiped a tear from my eye and said in Swedish, "sorry, I had an Australian friend back at the orphanage." causing my dad to look at me confused when Rythian said, "well that friend of yours must have a strong Australian accent." My dad made the "oh" face while I started laughing again. 

After my kaughing party I walked up to Rythian and held up my hand, "Names Larissa, breakfasts downstairs in the fridge so let's go!" Before he could answer I dragged both Rythian and Dad downstairs and ran for the fridge after opening it and putting the food in the microwave. "Did Minty make this?" Rythian and Sjin asked after I put the food down in frount of them. Before I could answer a tired Mintey came downstairs, "Answer the question?" I asked as there mouths hung open in disbelief. 

 "What? I'm a fast learner," I said as I set up a place for Minty before I added, "First time I ever cooked." Now they all looked at me surprised. "What? Never seen a girl learn to cook before?" they shut there mouths and I sat down. Dad gave me a questioning look and I explained, "I eat at five when I woke up." they looked at me then at the time. To break the awkward silence I said, "I'm going to go upstairs and get dressed now, be right back," and I skipped up to my room. 

 (Fast Learner? Well that makes a bit of sense if you looked at the title of this chappie... sorry in a bit of a bad mood right now but I'll be better in the morning :) Anyways... slap that Rate button with your fist and comment after the BEEP, BEEEEEEPPPPPP!!!!! Hope you enjoyed, BYEEEEEE!!!!)

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