Chapter One

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My hair was stuck to the back of my neck when I jumped out of my restless slumber. I would have thought that it was disgusting, that is if I had time to thing. Pain went from the back of my head to my temples in milliseconds. The amount of people in my head was too many to count, and the panic in there voices was surreal. Ever since I could remember they kept there cool, they never panicked. I looked at the clock it showed that is was 12:57AM, and I have only been asleep for an hour or so. I slowly got out of bed, stumbling to the bathroom for cold water. The pain in my head increased and the room started to spin. I had to lean against the sink, as I use the other hand to splash cold water over my face. I squeezed my eyes shut trying to end the non-stop chatter of angles in my head; It failed to relieve any pain. They talked fast in all kinds of different languages, some not even from this planet. But they where all saying the same thing...Sam Winchester has open Lucifer’s cage....The hairs on the back of my neck flew up when I heard this. Then the voices stopped, for the first time ever. There was nothing but my own thoughts. I did not know if I should be revealed or be scared. I just looking at myself in the mirror for a couple of minutes. When I voices came back, I almost jumped out of my skin. They where not talking about the devil, nor were they talking about this Sam Winchester. Just the usual celestial chatter.

I don't know why but I had to get out of this town. I felt like I needed to run... to run and never stop. I dressed quickly and I got all of my things together. Before heading out I checked all the windows to make sure that no body was out side. I open the door and rushed to my car. It was a cold night and things where still....almost too still. As I drove off, I just remembered that I forgot to clean the salt of the window, and remove the devils trap on the ceiling.


After about three days, I pulled into a cheep motel. I need gas for the car, and for myself. I walked into the lobby. It was a small room with far too many fake plants, and a clock that read 8:56AM. Have only had six hours of sleep in the past four days? There was a secretary camera on the wall parallel from the entrance of the room and I put the hood to my jacket up. Behind the desk I saw the secretary camera's TV. My face was hidden well enough. There was an older man sitting behind the front desk that was fast asleep. I lightly taped on the desk bell and the man fell out and using the contort stumbling up

“Oh...I am sorry Missy” He said.

I smiled and gave him a couple hundreds. He took them and as he was pulling out the key as man walked in. I looked at the TV and saw it was a boy. Maybe 16 or 17 years old, had a X-Men t-shirt on, a pair of jeans. The air form outside blow it, it was cold and it rustled some of the papers on the desk. But then the smell hit me. Sulfur...

I placed my hand in my jacket slowly and pulled out a water bottle, and took a drink. With the rest of the water, I throw on top of the boy. He screamed and grabbed his steaming face. He looked at me with angry black eyes. I started to say the Latin words, to send him back to hell. As I started speaking the boy came at me and I slid out of the way. He garbed at me and got my left arm. Using his right fist to back hand me, stopping me from continuing the exorcism. I backed into the counter, and the man was on the phone. I had to get out of here, and I knew what I had to do. I ran up and placed my hand on the boy's head.

“I am sorry” I took a deep breath and concentrating everything I had in me to my hand. Closing my eyes and releasing the energy. The boys eye's went white, blood streamed out of his ears. His body went limp and fell. My hand burned form the smite and it took a lot form me not the cry. The man screamed and said something to the person on the phone. I could feel blood come out of my nose. I did not know if it was from when the boy hit me, or when I blasted him. I walked up to the man and pulled out my gun.

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