Chapter 1.1

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Chapter 1 is gonna be split into 2 parts. Part 1 will be part of the flashback in U3, set in Cartagena. But since Sam isn't in it and most likely in jail somewhere I'm going to play off that line and do a jail part then going into the scene. Also, I'm not really that good at writing in 1st person but I'm gonna try... Enjoy!

*Rians PoV*

3 years later

Sitting in jail wasn't in my to do list, but trying to rob a museum wasn't either. The boss, Marlowe, is after some sort of ring. That information is apparently, confidential. And I'm the one supposed to steal it!

But here I am. Sat in jail after been thrown in the gutter, after Marlowe's stupid henchmen fluffed it up. Last I saw before been dragged away by security was a young boy running off with the ring. A familiar young boy.


Yells of the officers caught my attention. That, and the extremely loud clatters of the cell door opening. A man was pushed in, he must have been my age, maybe a year or two older. A smirk plastered on his face as he noticed me sat in the corner, my newly red hair falling in loose curls over half my face.

The mystery man sat next to me, staring at me as if he knew me. I glared back at him, the other 3 people in the cell "ooh"ing and "ahh"ing, placing bets on which one of us was going to break first.

"Tell me sweet cheeks, has your hair always been red?" The mystery man asked me, a look of intrigue on his face.

"It is not possible for someone to be born with hair this colour dumbass." I threw at him, a smirk on my face as he looked shocked at my choice of words.

"Adrienne West. Rian." The brunette man said, this time the look of shock on my face. How does he know my name?

"Who the hell are you? And how do you know my name?" I spat at him. My hair flying over my shoulder as I flung myself at him, my hands gripping onto his jackets collar as I glared into his blue eyes.

"Well as much as I would like this little thing between us to go further, I doubt that this is the right time or place. Now if you would please let me go I will tell you.." He said as I started relaxing my grip, ".. Thank you, now where was I? Oh yes, I know your name from along time ago. I'm Sam."

The mans - no Sam's - revelation made me sink backwards into my seat, my mouth slightly agape in shock. I looked down at the floor with a million thoughts going through my head, but I looked back up at him with one.

"Why? Why did you leave me Sam? You promised you would be back by morning making me breakfast! WHERE DID YOU GO?" I yelled standing up, a crowd gathering around us.

"I LEFT TO PROTECT YOU RIAN! I GOT INTO SOME DEEP SHIT AND COULDN'T GET YOU INTO IT!" He yelled back, the crowd "ooh"ing once again.

I was about to throw back an insult about being able to manage no matter how deep the shit was, but the voice of my mentor, Victor Sullivan yelled at me.

"RIAN! Quit it darlin'. Your putting on quite the performance." Sullivan said as the jailor unlocked the door. I turned and looked at Sam once more, he gave me a small smile but I quickly knocked it off his face as I raised my hand and slapped him one.

"Do not insult me Samuel Morgan! I can handle deep shit better than you." I finally said, my tone going from loud and angry to an almost inaudible whisper.

"It's Drake now. Sam Drake." Was his only reply, no apology, no nothing. Just his new name, with the rest of the crowd of prisoners and officers listening in.

"Drake? Like Nathan Drake?" Sully asked Sam, his brow raised slightly. I grabbed onto Sullivan's hand and turned back to Sam once again, analysing him. Memorising each new aspect to his features. And the way his sandy brown hair was swept back perfectly, completely different to how he had it 3 years ago.

"Yes, my brother. How do you know him? Where is he?" Sam asked Sully, worry evident in his voice.

"He's fine, tried to rob me but I saved his ass from been shot." Sully said casually. Why is this always so goddamn calm?!? Goddamn... I'm starting to talk like Sully. "How much is the boys bail officer?"

"Sully what're you doin'? You don't even know him and your bailing him out?!?" I was almost in hysterics, knowing if Sully bailed out Sam I would have to deal with all over again. And I really didn't want to have my heart broken all over again.

(Time skip brought to you my cat Steve! Cos why the heck not.)

(Sam's PoV)

I can't believe what's happening. My childhood best friend is in the same city, at the same time I am and we both ended up in jail for attempted robbery.

The last 3 years without have been hell, she was my little ginger partner in crime, and now she's a grown woman with maroon red hair and a sky blue nose ring. Not to mention part of her hair is shaved off. Safe to say she's not my dorky little ginger best friend anymore.

She's stopped talking to me, after Victor bailed me out as well. All I'm getting from her is the occasional glare. Rian is a different person now, and I regret not coming back to her that morning. To tell her what was happening. But I couldn't put her through that, but I know I put her through something worse.

I could see the hurt in her eyes when I told her it was me, and I don't want to see that hurt look in her beautiful green eyes ever again. I'm now making it my mission to get my best friend back, and to hopefully tell her what I couldn't 3 years ago.


I am finally finished with this chapter! Only took me a week... I got distracted playing U4 okay! And yeah, that's the final result so I hope I haven't fluffed bits up and it makes sense and it's not terribly terrible... Yes I said that :D also I based Rian off myself with the looks and everything... Tho she's more prettier and I'm a dork in glasses and my hair is dip dyed red but it's mostly red. If ya wanna picture as a reference or somethin lemme know. But be prepared cos I am terrifying :P and this A/N is so long... Anybody still reading at this point? Probably not, so ciao <333

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