Chapter 3

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Italy ~ The Rossi estate

Sam's PoV

I was perched on top of the cliff nearby the estate, peering through the binoculars looking for the signal from Victor. And contemplating what I was going to say to Rian.

She was here, I had seen her entering the mansion. Her red curls hung down her shoulders perfectly, and when she turned to speak to somebody, the sun created a shine on the crown of her head that resembled a halo.

"Hey lover boy! You still here?" Nate said pulling me from my thoughts. I shrugged in reply, my mind venturing back to Rian.

"Are you sure Victor isn't going to stab us in the back?" I asked Nate while rising from my crouched position, lowering my binoculars at the same time.

"Sam, he's going to come through for us. Rian too. If I didn't trust them to do this I wouldn't have asked them." Nate replied, taking the binoculars out of my hand and raising them to his eyes.

"There!" He pointed to a window. "There's the signal. See? I told you Sully would come through for us." He said before taking off.

***** time skip to outside the window *****

"Ah Nathan? Nathan!" I exclaimed. "Huh? What Sam?" He Questioned, a look of confusion washing over his face. I started to unzip my jumpsuit and he soon got the message by whispering a small, oh yeah, and followed my lead.

"So how'd I look?" I muttered, smoothing down my suit jacket and checking my cuffs. And trying to seem less nervous about the fact that Rian was just through that window.

"Like a million bucks. Let's go!" Nathan ordered as he carefully opened the window before clambering through it.

"Sully? That you?" Nate asked cautiously, stepping forward slightly to the dark figure sat on the sofa.

"You know what I love about partying with a bunch of crooks?" The mystery man said causing Nate to chuckle and reply with a small what's that. "They don't care if you smoke indoors"

Sullivan flicked the light on and stood up walked to my brother with open arms saying something about how it had been too long. I just stood in the shadows,  doing the same thing as the figure in the opposite corner. Rian.

"Sully, you remember my 'dead' brother Sam right?" Nate said turning slightly to motion me over. I stepped forward into the light, a gasp coming from the shadowy outline of Rian.

"My god. It's good to see you alive Sam, what's it been? 15 years?" Victor muttered stepping closer to me to shake my hand, while I replied with a small yup.

"Hey darlin' get over here!" Victor barked. Clicking off heels on the wooden floor then followed as the figure made its way over.

Rian. Her red curls falling in front of her face, which held a look of pure shock. Her greens eyes started to glass over, little tear drops building up in the corner of her eyes causing her winged eyeliner to feather at the edges. The deep blue of her dress making her curves stand out more, as the skirt of her dress faded into a paler blue, then to white. Stunning.

"Hey Nate the great." Her velvety voice final said, her head turning slightly to look at my brother as he stepped forward, embracing her in a bear hug which she gladly returned.

"Hey Ri. Thanks for coming, it means a lot that your here." Nate answered as he pulled back and stepped to the side and pulling Victor out the room. "Sully, why don't we give these two a few minutes to talk?"

***** Rian's PoV *****

I was shocked, angry, and relieved. He was alive, and standing right in front of me. He just stood there, staring at me with a twinkle of happiness in his eyes.

"Hi." He whispered, giving me a small wave.

"You asshole Samuel! After 15 years all you can say is hi? And you got old! Is that a tattoo?" I fired rapidly as his mouth fell open.

"I.. Uh.. Huh?" Sam spluttered, this time it was him who was shocked.

"Gotcha." I murmured as I closed the gap between us, snaking my arms up around his neck. "But seriously you got old."

"Yeah? Well life has this funny little thing called age, you either don't change as you age, or you get old. Guess I got the shit end of the stick." Sam went on,his hands finding their way to my lower back and slowly venturing down south.

"Samuel Morgan! Just kiss me already you old bastard." I interrupted as he opened his mouth to continue.

"Yes ma'am." He whispered softly as he closed the small gap between us, capturing my lips in a soft, passionate kiss. Memories flooding my head as our lips moved in sync. My hands made their way up to his hair as we deepened the kiss. We stood there for what seemed like an eternity, getting reacquainted with each other until I finally pulled away.

"We should get moving." I whispered to him, looking into his blue eyes, staring into his soul.

"Yeah, they will be wondering what's taking so long. To be continued?" Sam asked pushing a strand of my hair back behind my ear. I smiled and nodded.

"To be continued."


Yes yes, to be continued! If anything is wrong on this lemme know, my phone has had a autocorrect problem all day but I think I corrected everything. But lemme know what you think, I would love some feedback, I hardly get any :/ I also have a Nathan Drake story in the works too, so y'know... Lemme know if you wanna see it. Ciao!

I do it for him (Sam Drake x OC) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin