Chapter 4

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Hey there! Been a while hasn't it? So I thought I would do a little filler chapter, but it is a tad bit dramatic. It was an idea that came to me and I thought I would pass it by you guys and see what you thought! If you don't like it I will happily rewrite this chapter. Enjoy!

"So, who's telling them bad news Sully? You wanna have the honour, or do I?" Rian said. Her arms folded across her chest as the group made their way to the balcony overlooking the auction.

"Well I think we should let them see for themselves..." Sully puffed out the smoke from his cigar as he spoke, leaning against the railing looking down upon the hundreds of auction goers.

Nate was the first to see the cross on the podium, muttering inaudible curses. "They changed the lot number. Sully when does the cross go up for auction?"

"About 15 minutes. Look kid, we don't have the kind of money to bid for it and the only other option is to steal it." Sully said while taking another puff of his cigar.

"Yeah, and since we have to go for the second option, there are hundreds of witnesses plus armed guards down there! We will be shot instantly if we try to grab it." Rian continued, a small sigh escaping her nude painted lips.

"Pfft. You guys act like you've never spent time in prison!" Sam butted in, earning the death glares of Rian and Nate. "If you want something done..."

"Wait for lights out!" They all said as Sam replied with the small exactly.

"Nate, where's those blueprints? There's gotta be an electrical panel around here somewhere." Sully asked. Nate pulled out the blueprints from the inside pocket of his jacket before setting them down on the table for them all to see.

"So we're about here, and electrical is... Here! So all we have to do is make our way here, flip the switch and then someone grabs the cross." Nate stated looking between the group and the cross on the other side of the hall.

"Yeah but how do we get close enough to grab it without looking suspicious? If I haven't made it clear already, there are armed guards stationed everywhere!" Rian exclaimed, her slender arms resting over the balcony rail.

"Scuse? Anti pasty?" A female waiter asked, her voice breaking the tense air around them. Sully, Nate and Rian all replied with a no thank you, while Sam went into full on flirt mode.

"Hi, how are ya?" He said seductively as the waiter battered her long lashes and giggled before walking away.

"Do you mind? We're trying to figure this out here!" Nate whispered harshly at his shameless flirt of a brother.

"Waiter wouldn't get noticed." Was all he replied with as he ate the small pastry, looking rather pleased with himself.

"That could work. But who is going to be the waiter?" Nathan asked, looking between Sam and Rian. "I have to get to the electrical station, Sully is watching the crowd and you two are doing god knows what."

"That means I'm the waiter and Rian is..." Sam replied, his gaze taking in the beauty in front of him as he awaited her reply.

"I can be another waiter, just in case Sam screws up." Was her reply as a smug look settled on her face.

"That hurt Adrienne! I would never screw anything up." Sam held a hand over his heart, feigning being in pain from her words.

"You would never screw anything up? Pfft, I find that hard to believe!" Rian retaliated as Nate and Sully softly oohed.

"Name one thing I have screwed up!" Sam fired back as he stepped slightly forward, closer too her.

"Our relationship!" Was all she said as she walked off towards to staircase leading down the the bottom floor, leaving three stunned men behind her.

***Time skip to the part where they reach the kitchen***

The journey to the kitchens had been uneventful, Sam and Nathan talking about life and a few other stuff on the way kept Rian from having a nervous breakdown from all the stress and tension built up inside her. Before she knew it they had arrived at the kitchen and what greeted them was a locked door.

"Hey Rian? Any chance you have a lock pick?" Nathan asked snapping her out of thoughts, she then pulled a hair pin out of her now messy hair and made her way to the door.

"I don't think I'm going to have to." Rian whispered, the men behind her almost missing what she said.

She stepped away from the door and a few seconds later the lock on the other side was released and the door flew open, the waiter stopping dead in his tracks as he saw Nathan and Rian. Sam had snuck up behind him from his place against the wall and knocked the waiter out cold.

"Sam! Mind the waiters!" Nate exclaimed, the shocked look on his face, mirrored by Rian at Sam's actions.

"Well I need to get a uniform somehow. And this guy looks to be my size." Sam replied as he took the waiter by the legs and started dragging his unconscious body to the door.

"Okay, I will start heading to the electrical station. Rian, no murdering him while I'm not here." Was the last thing Nate said before he climbed up the ladder and ran off in the opposite direction.

"Rian? What's wrong?" Sam asked softly as he walked over to her, taking her small hand in his. "What did you mean by I screwed up our relationship? If it was 15 years ago then I couldn't have done anything about getting shot, you know that."

"It wasn't 15 years ago Sam. It was 20 years ago. When you promised you would come back the next morning and you didn't! It was like my heart had been torn out of my chest, and I know I was nothing but a friend then. But I felt different Samuel, and you didn't give me the chance to say something." Rian cried. Thank god for waterproof makeup. Her hands curling into fists as she trembled.

"Rian I.. Iv always loved you, have done since I first saw you. I wanted to tell you, I really did but I just couldn't. I never meant to hurt you Ri, I'm sorry." Sam whispered as he pulled her into a hug. Rian's muffled cries and shaking got worse as all of her anger was released.

When Rian finally pulled back, her makeup had mostly remained in tact but had smudge ever so slightly around her red rimmed eyes, her voice almost inaudible as she whispered "You love me?"

"Of course I do. I know we had a little thing going on way back when, but I want to try again. And hopefully make things right. If you'll have me..." He replied, his voice soft and delicate as if any tone louder and the woman in front of him would shatter into a million pieces.

"Make things right Samuel Drake. And no dying without me this time!" She said before pulling the man into a salty but sweet kiss. "Now shall we get on this the heist? That cross isn't going to wait all day..."


Did you enjoy? Let me know! I'm hoping to get some more chapters out soon as I have nothing better to do with my life so why not fantasise about dear Samuel Drake and continue this story! So until next time, goodbye!

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