How I Found Out That I Was Asexual

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Here is the story of how I found out that I was asexual.
As I was growing up, I had never ever felt any kind of sexual attraction towards anyone. Sexuality was something that really bothered me. When I was in grade 6, we had Sex Ed for the first time. It was not a fun experience for me. Certain students in my class would crack jokes about Sex and it would always make me uncomfortable. I also had Sex Ed in grade 7. It wasn't fun, either. We watched a video about Sexual reproduction and there was this sex scene in it. During Sex Ed, Our teacher would ask us if we had any questions about Sex or if there was something that we wanted to know about sex. I didn't. I had always felt very uncomfortable in Sex Ed.
Here's another thing that bothered me. One time, my dad and my sister and I went to go and see this movie that my dad wanted to go and see. We watched the trailer for the movie and it seemed pretty harmless. Turns out it wasn't. Throughout the movie, there were various sex jokes and there was this one long sex scene. It was the most uncomfortable experience ever. My sister and I had to close our eyes during the entire scene. Even on TV, if there was a sex scene, I would quickly change it to something else. One time at my grandparents apartment, my papa was watching this soap opera and there was this couple having sex in the shower. I felt very uncomfortable so I ran into the bathroom and would not come out for a half an our. I hated sex scenes!
Let's fast forward a bit. During the 11th grade, I went to this assembly that was presented by the Gay-Straight alliance club in our school. It was a play about people with different sexualities. I really enjoyed it! I thought that the the play had an amazing message to it! During the play, one of the actors started to talk about the different kinds of sexual orientations and he explained what they were. As soon as he mentioned asexuality, I was like, "OMG! That sounds just like me! Maybe I am asexual!"
One day, a friend of mine told me that she was going to have kids when she grows up. I said, "I didn't want to have kids."
Many times at school, I would get bothered when people would make jokes about sex and when they would call people hot or sexy. One time at home, my 14 year old sister and I were watching a TV show. On the show, There was this boy that my sister had a crush on. She was like, "Oh my god, he is so hot! Don't you think, Brianna?" I shook my head. "No. I don't think he's hot."
A month later, I decided to do some research on Asexuality on my IPod. I said to myself, "Yep. I am definitely asexual."
I am so sorry if this story sounded a little confusing. I'm not great at explaining things XD

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