I'm Asexual And Proud Of It!

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I have some great news! After weeks of questioning my sexual orientation, today I finally figured out which one I fit into! I'm a heteromantic asexual and I'm proud of it! I guess it's what I'm truly meant to be and what I feel comfortable with! Maybe it's the way God made me.

   I understand that God created S*x and it's not meant to be a bad thing. I get it. But, the thought of S*x and having it still bothers me. One of the hardest things about being asexual is growing up in an overly sexualized world. People tell you that the only way you can have a lasting relationship with someone is if you have s*x with them and that s*x is a human need. It's a necessity. Um, excuse me?

A relationship does not necessarily need s*x be a lasting one! And for me, it's certainly not something I need! I mean, food's a necessity, water is a necessity, shelter is a necessity, but s*x? No way! S*x is out of the question! I'd much rather have an emotional and romantic relationship with someone than having a sexual one.

"But, s*x is an emotional need!" I've heard that countless times. "When you get married, you'll think differently." Heard that too. I also told my dad that I didn't want children. He said, "Maybe you'll change your mind." I never told my dad about me being asexual. I've never told anyone in my family that I'm asexual. They all assume that I'm a heterosexual. I told my sister that I was asexual and that I have romantic feelings for guys, but then she said, "But, doesn't asexual mean that you aren't in love with anyone?"

Just because I'm asexual doesn't mean I can't be in love with anyone. Of course I can! I'd love to have a romantic relationship and everything and get married, but having s*x and having children are out of the question! And I'm not changing my mind!

As a Christian, I've been told that once you're married, you're supposed to have s*x because it's what God intended. Well, today I finally stood up for myself and I prayed to God, telling Him that I don't want having s*x and having kids to be a part of His plan for me and all I want is to have a romantic relationship with a guy who'll accept me for being asexual. I'm sure God understands that s*x isn't something that I want. He knows everything about me! So, I'm sure He'll be able to figure out something. I love God with all my heart and soul and I know that He has a good plan for me.

Even though I want a romantic relationship, I want to have some intimacy with my partner, just not involving s*x. Like, doing cutesy things, like snuggling and stuff like that! I'd love that so much! 😊😊😊

 Like, doing cutesy things, like snuggling and stuff like that! I'd love that so much! 😊😊😊

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I kind of feel better getting this all of my chest. And it makes me feel even better that I've found a sexual orientation that suits me. I guess I was meant to be asexual all along.

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