Sexuality Issues

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There's one thing that's been bothering me lately. One of them is finding a sexual orientation that fits me. One moment, I'm a heteromantic asexual. Then, I'm a biromantic asexual. Then, I'm back to being a heteromantic asexual again. Then, I'm a Demisexual. I'm starting to question the whole demisexuality thing because being a Demisexual means that you only experience sexual attraction after you've made an emotional connection with someone. It means that you sometimes experience sexual attraction. I've never felt sexual attraction. Ever! And I do experience romantic attraction, but I've never been in love with anyone before. Plus, I don't have any attraction (S*xual or Romantic) towards people of the same sex. I'm a Christian and I just don't feel comfortable with any of that. I don't want to make you guys uncomfortable either, but yes, I have had s*xual thoughts in the past (and I'm a little ashamed of admitting it) , but I've never been s*xually attracted to anyone. I've always been told that in order to have a healthy relationship with someone, you need s*x. Well, that's what I've always heard. But, I'm not sure if that's true or not. It confuses me a little.

It's just that...I want to find a sexual orientation that fits me and I kind of hate changing sexualities all of the time. I just kind of want to stick to one. But I find it so difficult. My sexuality is a part of my identity. And it's what makes me who I am. I'm not sure if I should be putting labels on myself. I don't know. It's completely up to me.

But, for now....I'm questioning my sexual orientation.

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