What Bothers Me The Most?

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Here's a list of things that bother me the most:
-When people call other people "Hot" or "Sexy"
-When people make sexual jokes
-When people talk about their "Genitals" 😳
-Sex Scenes on TV, Movies, Music Videos
-Talking about Sex
-When people ask me if I am going to have children
-When people say "It's just a phase"
-Being afraid of opening up to my family about my asexuality
-When people say, "You just haven't met the right person."
-When people say, "You'll get over it."
-Being pressured to have sex
-People asking me if I am ever going to have sex
-I'm afraid that if I tell someone that I'm asexual, that they won't believe me or that they think I'm being an attention hog.
-I hate the words "Slut" and "Whore"
-News about Sexual Assaults and Sexual Abuse
-I'm afraid that my family won't understand or they might get upset with me if I open up to them about my asexuality

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