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Mani's POV
Ally went to the store with Lauren so I'm stuck babysitting Dinah and Camila. Dinah has been acting up lately which is I don't know why. Camila has been into everything. Right now they are watching TV I go upstairs to go get some blankets some we can make a fort. As I was getting those things I screaming and thumps I go downstairs to see Dinah in top of Camila hitting her I rush over to Dinah and pull her off. What is going on I say. I asked Dinah for the remote and she threw it at my head Camila said. Dinah why I asked. It was an accident Mila didn't even let me apologize she just jumped on me Dinah said. Both of u apologize now I said. Sorry they both said. OK that's strike one Mila, Dinah strike two I say. She nods.
Later that day....
Mani's POV
We was at the park it was staring to get dark so its time to go home. Mila DJ time to go I said. Can we come back tomorrow mila asked. Yeah come on DJ I said. I don't wanna go she said. You can't stay out here in the dark now let's go I said sternly. No she said. Dinah Jane now I said. No she responded. I grab her and gave her ten hard smacks. SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK. She was crying when I finished. I grab Dinah's hand and we went home. When we arrived I told mila to go upstairs and watch TV. I faced Dinah. DJ you have been bad today that's strike three do you know what's coming up next I said. She nodded with tears coming down her face. I picked her up grabbed a chair and sat in the kitchen corner. Timeout 30 minutes OK I said. No please she said. I ignored her and sat her in the chair. I walked out and left her scream and cries behind. I go to Dinah's room and grab my belt I left I go back downstairs to see Dinah calming down. I took Dinah's hand and walked to the living room. Dinah your on going to get thirty and then you go to sleep OK I said. OK she mumbled. I put her over my lap and begin. WHAP WHAP WHAP WHAP WHAP WHAP WHAP WHAP WHAP WHAP WHAP WHAP WHAP WHAP WHAP WHAP WHAP WHAP WHAP WHAP WHAP WHAP WHAP WHAP WHAP WHAP WHAP WHAP WHAP WHAP. When I finished I picked up Dinah and rubbed her back as she cried into my neck. I went upstairs to Dinah's room and sat in the rocking chair. I rocked Dinah and begin sing in her ear. As I finished singing Dinah was fast asleep I put her in bed and walked downstairs.

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