Faking a Smile

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"So I think that will be it for today's episode! That was... fun?" Sarah fake laughed-a skill she was quite good at. "Alright well seriously we did reach 9,000 subscribers yesterday and thank you all so, so, so much! Thank you to each and everyone of you and I will see you guys in the next video! Bye!" She ended the recording, took off her headset, and leaned her head on the keyboard.
There she was "living the dream", as she told her mother, back in Colorado. In an old, "cozy" apartment right outside New York City, but in reality, she hated her life. Her one friend was online, and her mom refused to return her calls, text her back or send a letter because she didn't want to become a model, she wanted to be a Youtuber.
Sarah wondered if that was a mistake. Sure, she had gotten a few subscribers, but she wasn't happy. She worked a job at CVS, just paying the monthly bills. It was a wonder how she got the money for food, equipment, or to take care of her cat, the one her own mother abused.
Sarah jumped out of her seat to hear her iPhone 4s Skype notification.
Emily: Hey!! Hop on TS?
Sarah: Can't ): Have to go to modeling!
Emily: Aww, GL haha!
Sarah put her phone in her pocket, ashamed for lying to her only friend.
Throwing on a red polo and khakis she called an Uber, taking her about half way there, to save money of course. She walked to CVS, getting looks for her appearance. Sarah arrived and began working the cash register until she saw a familiar face.

Sarah's POV:

"Wait, Kiingtong?" I said, astonished.
"Oh hi! You watch my videos?" He responded with a happy face.
"Yeah! You inspired me to join YouTube myself! All of the Cube did," I smiled.
"Oh, cool! What's your channel called?"
"SarahPlays! I reached 9,000 yesterday, I'm actually growing really fast. Like, faster than I have ever grown before, even when I started a few years ago. I'm sorry, am I talking to much? I do this when I'm nervous. Okay I'll stop now," I trailed off, and blushed.
"It's okay, you're cute when you blush," He said casually.
I could feel my cheeks redden, looking down I said, "What brings you to New York?"
"I'm actually with the rest of the Cube, we're doing a meet up here!"
"Oh! I remember seeing that on Instagram! I tried to save up to go, but I just don't have enough," I said, getting quieter.
"Aww, you seem nice, what if I brought you to our hotel rooms?"
"Oh my God, you would do that?" I asked.
"Sure! Why not?"
"Thank you so much!" We exchanged numbers as my boss told me to hurry up. I couldn't believe it! He told me the address and the date of when I was supposed to arrive. I thought of what to wear, what to bring, what to say, but then something came to mind-my boyfriend. The last time I tried to break up with him, he put his hands all over me and pushed me into the bed. I'm terrified of him. If he finds out I'm going to visit the Cube, he will hurt me, but it's a risk I'm willing to take!

*+* hours later *+*

It was finally a good day. I recorded, I worked, and I get to meet the fucking Cube! I fixed my hair and opened my apartment door, seeing Jordan-my boyfriend-ready to yell.
"Um excuse me?!" He yelled. If you were wondering, we have gotten several complaints from our nice neighbors.
"What?" I said, looking down.
"What took you so long?" He said, throwing his head back in disgust.
"I didn't want to waste money on a cab, I'm only a few minutes late," I said, checking the clock. 10:07. Seven freaking minutes late.
"Get a real job," he said, pushing me to the floor and turning away.
After brushing my teeth and changing into more comfortable clothes-a tee shirt and shorts-I crawled into our full bed, snuggling up into the blankets, petting the cat that Jordan and my mom hates, to feel a warm arm curl around my stomach. Although I didn't like the fact it was Jordan, I liked the thought that he at least cared enough to put an arm around me every now and then. As sad as that seems.
I exhaled softly, relaxing after I realized I was holding my breath. I let my stomach expand as I breathed, feeling relaxed, something I haven't felt in a while.
After exhaling, Jordan used a finger to feel my stomach, and pushed his finger in it.
"Fatty," He said, rolling over and taking his warm arm with him. If only he knew the days I didn't eat, the days I dieted, the days I spent running around, trying to burn as many calories as possible.
I suddenly felt exposed, lied too, broken. I hated him, but no matter what-I was seeing the Cube tomorrow.

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