The Breakup

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It was seven am now, and we were all still discussing the breakup plans. Bee arrived, her plane was delayed, and she was on board with us. I was joining the Cube! Best news I've heard in a while, I was way too excited.

*+* Liam's POV *+*

"Wait, I'm still confused," I say.
"Hm?" Sarah turns towards me, her green eyes focusing into mine.
"Well, I get it you wanted to live in New York, but after all this, why didn't you just move back in with your parents?"
She looks down, the room is silent.
Maybe I shouldn't have asked that, it might be something personal. Oh my God Liam! She'll never like you.
"What?" Mitch asked me.
"Wait, was I saying that out loud?"
"Apparently!" Straub said.
"Okay, but you really don't have to explain it if you don't want to," I said to Sarah, who was know tearing up.
"No, you deserve to know." She said.
I hope she knows she's beautiful.
"Growing up, my mom always called me the "pretty child", which I already hated by itself but, she made me agree to do routines that famous models might do, and she signed me up for ballet and track. I did yoga, ballet, track and one full body workout routine everyday along with school."
"Damn!" Will blurted. "Sorry!" He chuckled. Graser laughed.
"It took me until I was fourteen to realize other kids didn't do this, so I stopped the routines, but continued sports and dieting to keep my mom content. Sadly, I was a little late. We stopped to get my physical for soccer and it turns out, I had an eating disorder."
"I overcame it two years later, but I had to stop the sports, meaning I gained a little bit of weight. She kicked me out when I was 16, never filling her expectations, where I was forced to move in with the guy she paired me up with."
"Wow," I said. "I'm so sorry."
Her cheeks were wet from her tears. I hugged her, some of the Cube members were tearing up themselves.
"So even if I broke up with him, I would still have to live with him," She said, and instantly, I got an idea.
"You could, I dunno, move in with me, maybe?" I asked, it seemed less awkward in my head.
"It's a small apartment though, one bed, one bath, kitchen , laundry room, definitely... "cozy", haha!" I forced a laugh.
"Trust me, my last one didn't even have a bathroom, this'll be an improvement."
"Aww yay!" I said, and hugged her. I wished I used better words.
"Wait what the fuck, where'd you go to the bathroom oh my god," Straub said, laughing.
"Community," I said, giving a small, silent laugh.
"When should we break up with him?" I asked.
"Tomorrow?" Bee suggested.
"Sure!" Sarah said, and looked at the clock. "Ugh, I should get to work, but let me say, this has officially made my year."
"Aww, I'll see you on Cube later today?" I asked.
"If my boyfriend isn't home, but I'll try to sneak it anyway!"
"Bye Sarah!" Everyone said there goodbyes and she headed out the door, I loved her so much.
"Wow, when are you getting married?" Ant asked.
"You guys were stuck like glue, it's obvious she likes you," Graser said.
"Oh, we're just friends," I lied.
"Okay then," Bee said, rolling her eyes.
"Let's get to sleep," Mitch said.
"Smart!" Parker said.
We headed to sleep, and woke up several, several hours later.

*+* Twelve Hours Later *+*

Will started a group chat for plans for the breakup, where we were planning it, the times and such. Sarah and texted each other during her work and when she got home, but she's sleeping now. We would be meeting soon to breakup with him.
I hoped this was a good idea, I was scared of Sarah's description.
"Big, muscular, tense, angry..." Her words echoed in my head.
Suddenly my phone buzzed.
Bee: Is this a good idea?
Liam: I honestly don't know
I looked up at Bee after it sent, she was texting back.
Bee: Sarah's already been through so much, we can't ruin this.
Liam: Of course, but we'll be fine. Any things better than Jordan?
Bee: I guess
We put our phones down, until mine buzzed again.
Sarah: What time exactly?
Liam: Like, 8. That's when he wakes up, right?
Sarah: Yup! Thank you xx
Aww, she uses x's!
I smiled until Parker asked, "Why so happy? We're breaking up with her abusive boyfriend!"
"Oh it's, sorry," I looked down.
Way to pin point me down, Parker.
"Sarah?" Will asked.
"Mhm," I responded, biting my lip.
"I don't think she likes you," Will said, turning away.
"Nah," Graser said.
"Did you even watch them? It's obvious she likes you," Straub said.
Will didn't stop there.
"Well, you also never finished high school so I wouldn't trust you to figure that out."
"Weak," Mitch said, laughing.
"Just because I didn't finish high school doesn't mean I can't tell when someone likes another," He said, laughing. I laughed with him.
We continued working on the break up plans, but eventually we all went to our rooms and I decided to check the Cube.
I relaxed my head on the headrest until I logged in. My tired self kept nodding off.
I hit tab, seeing Straub and, yes! SarahPlays! I sighed in relief as I texted her.
Liam: Like the Cube so far?
Sarah: So far, it's better than I thought it was going to be, and that's saying something xD
Liam: Haha! How are you getting on, what about Jordan?
Sarah: Out working late.
Liam: Oh, want me to give you a tour around spawn? We could TS?
Sarah: Can't, my neighbors would complain if I even talked this late, silly as that seems. But I'd love a tour!!

Sarah's POV:

There I was, locked in a closet, just hoping that Jordan wouldn't find me. My neighbors wouldn't care if I talked, but Jordan would.
He guided me around, just messaging in Minecraft. He was so sweet.
After about an hour I knew I was just about ready to fall asleep. It was now midnight, and the fact I haven't slept in the past 40 hours didn't really make me feel better.
After he stopped the tour, I found the place I'd like to build, and headed off to bed, snuggling my cat. Jordan was sound asleep, not noticing me.

beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep

"Wha-?" I said, lifting my head up and slamming "snooze" on my alarm clock.
Jordan wasn't awake, thankfully.
I got up and got dressed, it was an off day for work, so I wore my cutest clothes, knowing I'll see Liam, let alone the rest of the Cube.
I was wearing black, jean shorts and a striped, maroon and white, shirt I cropped, making a cute, fun outfit. I wore my old white converse (which were now trendy!) that I've had since I was 18, making them three years old. I remember saving up for them, I was so proud of myself. I brushed my hair and teeth, applied concealer and mascara, with a bit of cheek tint, and headed out to meet up with the Cube.
"Cute!" Bee said, as I sat next to them at Starbucks.
"Aww, thanks! Sorry, I'm a little late," I said, as I looked at Liam, who was looking down at my outfit. He was wearing khaki shorts with a sweatshirt, which were basically what the rest of the boys were wearing, but Liam wore it better.
Bee was wearing black high wasted black shorts, white converse as well, and a white crop top.

Liam's POV:

Aww, she looked so cute! I can't wait until she moves in with me.
"Do you have your stuff ready to go?" I asked her.
"Yup," She said, smiling. "I'm so excited!"
"Me too! And," He said nudging some other members.
Graser blurted, "We're moving here, too!"
"What?!" Sarah said, smiling. Tears rolled down her cheeks.
"Yup! We're having an official Cube house, so instead of you moving with Liam, we're all moving in together!"
We chatted some more, until I checked the clock. Nine AM already?!
Before I could tell the group to leave, I heard a loud, tense voice behind me.
"Where is Sarah going?"
We turned to see Jordan.
Jordan grabbed Sarah's arm, yanking her from the chair and started barking questions.
"The time you took that money away from me?" Sarah said looking in his eyes.

Sarah's POV:

A sudden cut of pain reached my cheek, pulling myself to the ground. My face was red and my nose was already bleeding.
I saw Liam jump out and try to stand up for me but Straub held him back.
"You cannot do this. You were ALREADY late YESTERDAY!" He took a second to realize. "You were with THEM?!"
His fist flew forward, but I somehow dodged it.
Liam yelled out, "Stop!"
Jordan's face turned seeing him.
Anger, fear, everything broke out of me, rushing through my veins.
"Jordan. I'm done, this is coming to an end." I said.
"Oh yeah? Where are you going to stay?"
"At the Cube house."
He pushed me down, making me feel small.
"No. You. Aren't."
"Yes she is," I heard Liam say.
Mixed emotions swerved threw myself. I looked down to see I was shaking.

Liam's POV:

"What's happening to Sarah? Is she alright?!" I said, she was quivering.
"Oh yeah, sometimes when people yell at her she gets panic attacks," Jordan responded casually.
"AND YOU DON'T EVEN CARE?!" I rushed toward her, putting her hand in mine. I noticed something I didn't notice before. Her bruises looked bad, but her cuts looked even worse. My finger gently brushed over a cut, and she flinched and whimpered.
"Didn't you ever care?" I asked, looking in his eyes.
"How could you. Look at her, ugly and fat, Lord knows I use all of her money to buy drugs!"
"You bitch," Straub said.
"What are you going to do about it?"
Straub pushed him over, and he tumbled into a window.
"Let's go, Sarah," Bee said.
"Fuck you! Fuck all of you!" I heard him say. I didn't care. I pulled Sarah into me, as she shook some more. Staggering as she walked, I just decided it would be easier to let me carry her. She hopped on my back, and we took her to the new Cube house.

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