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Will and I headed back to our house just by Uber, and immediately Mitch asked: "Where have you been? You never answered our texts!"

"Oh my gosh, sorry guys," I apologized to the people looking up at us. Liam turned away. Mitch smiled at my apology.

"We were at the park, we were just kinda bored." I looked to see Liam's disapproval. He looked sad, but seeing my contact he forced a small, content look. "We were just discussing... Cube stuff. Nothing else, really." Liam looked more content with that, so I turned towards my room, away from both of them.

"I'm going to go film a few clips, if anyone wants to help, log on Teamspeak," I think you could here the disappointment in my voice.

Bee seemed to see it and headed to my room too, "I need to ask you something, actually."

She shut the bedroom door and sat next to me on the bed.

"I'm sorry if this is rude, but, what are you doing?" She caught me by surprise.

"I'm uh-"

"Liam's really sad that you're hanging out with Will, especially out late? He's trying to hide it, but he can't. Maybe, stay away from Will?"

I was speechless. "Uh, well-"

"Okay you're right," She started. "That sounded harsh, but do you know what I'm trying to say? It's just for Liam's sake, I mean... Okay. Do what you want, Will's just a friend. Sorry I overreacted."

"No, it's fine," I made out. "You're right, maybe I should..." I paused. "Stay, away... From Will."

"Oh God, Im so sorry! Do what you want, I never meant to put you in a worse situation," She trailed off.

"You're fine," I faked a laugh. "It's my fault, you're right."

She smiled. "Alright, tell me if you need anything else, sorry, haha!"

"You're okay," I smiled as she left the room. When she shut the door, I collapsed onto my bed, already in tears. I didn't know what to do.


I woke up, eleven am, alone, still collapsed on my bed. I sat up and realized I never recorded the night before.

I slid into the kitchen. "Hey, anyone want to join my in my next Skywars episode? Sorry I just need to get a video out today."

Will and Bee exchanged a glance, and Liam turned away. Luckily, I heard two volunteers from the table.

"Meeeeeeee," Straub yelled. Tybzi pushed him over.

"Why would you choose him when I'm an option?" He told me, confident.

"Why not both of you?" I laughed.

"Okay that works, too," Straub laughed with me.

We headed into our separate rooms, and I immediately felt better after talking with them. I was taking off my headphones when I heard a familiar scream, and dropped my headphones.

"STAACYYY!" I left my room to hear Graser scream, running up to Stacy and hugging her.

"Graser!!" She yelled and hugged him back. They were cute together.

"How was your trip?" Graser picked up Stacy's duffel that she set on the ground.

"Good! Tiring," Stacy sighed, then laughed along with Graser.

Graser showed Stacy's room off to her, and trust me, Zach was stuck to her like glue.

Although, they were inseparable either way, they both looked quite fond of each other, to be honest.

I hung out with Mitch practically the whole day. We were becoming close!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2016 ⏰

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