The Cube House

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Sarah's POV:

My body shook as Liam took me to the Cube house, everything happened so suddenly, I didn't know what to think. I pulled myself closer to his shoulder as I made out words.
"Thank... You," I made out, and I could see him smiling in the corner of my eye.
"You don't need to do that," He said.
"I felt dizzy, his words circled around me, and I let myself go unconscious. But before that, I let my feelings go.
"I've watched your YouTube for so long, and I can honestly thank you for me still being here. I... I really like you." A smile formed my lips and he turned his head and kissed my cheek.
Everything turned black.
I woke up, in the middle of a room, looking around.
"Liam?" I croaked, he was sitting at the end of my bed.
"Oh, hey Sarah, you're awake!" He said cheerfully.
"Where am I?" I pet my cat who was purring for once next to me, and I looked over.
"Oh no! Jordan's gonna kill me! I can't be here!"
"No, that's taken care of," Liam spoke softly, letting me lay down again. "You must have forgotten."
He looked like he was thinking about something, but looking at me he blushed, and looked down.
"Want me to make you something to eat?"
"Um, sure! But why am I here?"
Liam laughed.
"You're in the Cube! This is the official Cube house!"
"What?! I'm in the Cube?! I've watched all of there UHCs, all the seasons, WAIT! Am I joining season 3?!"
"Yup!" He said.
I gasped as my mouth hung open a little.
"And Jordan's okay with this?!"
"Here try to remember. We were at Starbucks..."
He told me the story, and I suddenly remembered.
"Then, I carried you to your new house, because of the pain you were in. But you are all better now! Well, you're healing, at least."
"And then you kissed me," I blurted out, regretting that fast.
He blushed, "Sorry."
"Oh no, sorry, I just remember now, but trust me, I do like you. Ugh, I'm sorry, you can leave now."
"Actually, I was hoping we could record on the Cube?"
I gasped, getting excited.
"Yes! After we eat, I'm hungry!"
We had soup for dinner, which is like my favorite food, and then we both had cheez it's because they were in there. I set up my MacBook. Not the best but, the only thing I could buy before Jordan.
"Hello guys, It's Sarah! I'm really sorry for not posting in a few days, so much has happened, but, I'm in THE CUBE!" I revealed the Minecraft world, showing all the cool builds.
"So, I am joining the #NorthSide! And I am here with HBomb! Hi HBomb!"
"Hi Sarah!" We laughed.
We started the series in the best way possible-together.
After all that recording, I was wide awake, for it being midnight, I couldn't tell if that was a good thing. But no one else had been sleeping, so it didn't matter.
All of us talked for a while, I even vlogged on my iPhone a little. Bee gave me some tips.
"Tomorrow we are going to the city, so I am super excited about that!" I said, in my vlog. "Maybe we'll even run into you guys, who knows?" I laughed as I stopped the recording. I edited the rest of my Cube episode and posted it, Will kindly made me my thumbnail.
It was four AM, I had to fall asleep, but I couldn't. I tried, but it didn't go super well.
"Oh whale," I said, turning myself around to check Twitter.
And like that, it was morning.

Liam's POV:

I went out, seeing that Graser made breakfast. "Wow, thanks Grase!"
"No biggie! Nathan and Joe are arriving today."
"Oh cool! Late, I assume?"
We all ate breakfast, including Sarah, who was borrowing some clothes from Bee. God, they looked like sisters, if not, twins.
We all broke into little conversations, I was talking to Will and Graser as Sarah was talking to Bee. I saw her look over at me, sometimes.
An hour past, and Straub told us we should go.
We all went out in the city, flipping up Pokémon Go, except Sarah, who had an iPhone 4 and didn't even know what it was.
"I have a DS?" She asked, laughing.
"Okay, first stop, we're getting Sarah a knew phone," Will said.
We all branched off. Will, Sarah, Graser, Bee and I went to Apple, to get her an iPhone 6s, in rose gold. We all split the cost, knowing we might have to cover her for a while, but she was getting fully paid for her job now, starting just tomorrow.
"Wow," She said. "I love it! I don't know how to thank you guys!"
We continued shopping, stopping by M&M World, H&M and Forever21 (where Bee bought her new clothes), and other places like McDonalds.
We sat down on an empty bench, as Sarah laid her head on my shoulder. I rested my head on hers. Super clichè, but I didn't care at all. I don't think she minded, either.
We eventually just walked around catching Pokémon, ignoring the shops now. She joined team Valor, and reached level 8.
Hours passed, and we decided on just Chik-Fil-A for dinner. It was better than any other place... At least to us.
We went shopping for groceries, too, picking up all sorts of unhealthy foods, but of course some vegan for Bee.
After a long night we headed home to see NoBoom petting Sarah's cat, and Joe listening to music and checking Twitter. "Oh my God, guys!" Bee yelled.
They joined for hugs until Joe said, "Who the hell is that?" pointing to me.
"Sorry, that slipped," he said and everyone laughed.
"Sarah, the new addition to the Cube!" Graser said.
"Hi," She said, looking down.
"Aww, don't be shy!" Graser said.
"I'm sure that helps," Will said, laughing.
"Wait, the real question is," Nathan started.
"North or South?"
"Is that even a question?" She said, picking her head up.
"Sorry Straub, gonna have to say North." Everyone laughed.
"I'm tired," Sarah yawned, and walked to her room. Her cat followed.
"Oh! I have to tell her something!" I said. A suspicious look came from Will.
"It's about Cube, jeez," I lied, walking off.

True Colors // HBomb94 FFWhere stories live. Discover now